Smaranda Brăescu
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Smaranda Brăescu (May 21, 1897 – February 2, 1948) was a Romanian flight and parachutist pioneer. She was the first female Romanian pilot, as well as a European and world parachuting champion.
[edit] Biography
She was born in the village of Hânţeşti, Buciumeni commune, Covurlui County (now Galaţi County).
In 1918, she flew for the first time in a Farman plane piloted by Captain Dumitru Naidinescu. In 1928, while in Germany, she jumped for the first time from a 6000 m height, becoming the first female Romanian parachutist. She also received her parachuting license in Germany.
On October 2, 1931, she skydived from a record height of 6,000 m, landing in the Bărăgan Plain.
[edit] References
- (Romanian) Dr. Valeriu Avram, Smaranda Brăescu,o pasăre în văzduh (Smaranda Brăescu, A Bird in the Sky), in Magazin istoric, January 2001
- (Romanian) Costin Anghel, Smaranda Brăescu, eroina (Smaranda Brăescu, the Heroine), in Jurnalul Naţional, April 10, 2005