SLUG Queen

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The SLUG Queen, or S.L.U.G. Queen (Society for the Legitimization of the Ubiquitous Gastropod), is the reigning monarch of festivities and the unofficial ambassador of Eugene, Oregon. United States. Named to suggest images of the Willamette Valley region's leafy snail and slug filled gardens, a new Slug Queen is coronated at the end of each summer. The annual coronation process is a little like a formal beauty pageant but with a campy spin. The slug-themed pageant started in 1983, and Eugene celebrated the SLUG Queen coronation's 25th year with a Silver Jubilee in August 2007. [1]

The earliest Slug Queen was conceived in the early 1980s by Cynthia Wooten, a city council woman, and other Eugene rebellious politicos, who wanted to create of an alternative to (or parody of) other cities' beauty pageants in direct opposition to the wishes of the rest of the city council. Rather than perpetuating typical beauty queen standards, these originators chose as their tutelary emblem a lifeform more in keeping with the Pacific Northwest's soggy climate and Eugene's iconoclastic spirit: the humble slug.[2]

A new SLUG Queen is selected annually in August in a three part competition that involves the judging of one's costume (based on campy appeal), a three-minute on-stage talent performance and a single question designed to test the quick wit of each contestant. The SLUG Queen is chosen by a collection of past queens officially referred to as "old," not "former" queens. The judges look for originality, creativity, and a flamboyant, outgoing personality.

One important aspect that sets the SLUG Queen pageant apart from others is that bribery is accepted and encouraged. The moment a new queen is crowned, the old queens are open to bribery. [3]

The new SLUG Queen presides over the parade at the Eugene Celebration on a roving date in September where she meets and greets her public for her first official duty. She is also expected to open the Mayor's Art Show and the Salon De Refuse.

The Slug Queens pride themselves on representing the diversity of the City of Eugene. Anyone over the age of 18 is electable provided they are able to impress the Old Queens. Of the 25 Slug Queens to date, five have been men including one with cerebral palsy. One female Queen, Queen Frank Slugnatra 2005, takes on a male persona. 1993 Queen Bananita uses a thick russian accent for her Slug Queen character, and 2006 Queen Slugretha Latifah Uleafa Gastropodia Jackson, an Office Manager at the University of Oregon'sDepartment of Philosophy and the sole black queen, won by singing her version of Aretha Franklins R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Queen Slugrethea was photographed with the reigning Miss Oregon 2006 shortly after her coronation.

One never loses the prestigious title — she (or he) just grows older with it and are known as "old queens" or later "very old queens".[4]

The Slug Queen Coronation has been organized by Kim Still, the manager of the Eugene Saturday Market, since 1991.

[edit] References

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  4. ^ Slugretha Latifah Uleafa Gastropodia Jackson!

[edit] External links