Slope One
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Collaborative filtering is a technique used by recommender systems to combine different users' opinions and tastes in order to achieve personalized recommendations. There are at least two classes of collaborative filtering: user-based techniques are derived from similarity measures between users and item-based techniques compare the ratings given by different users. Slope One is a family of algorithms used for Collaborative filtering introduced in Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering by Daniel Lemire and Anna Maclachlan. Arguably, it is the simplest form of non-trivial item-based collaborative filtering based on ratings. Their simplicity makes it especially easy to implement them efficiently while their accuracy is often on par with more complicated and expensive algorithms.
[edit] Item-based collaborative filtering of rated resources and overfitting
When ratings of items are available, such as is the case when people are given the option of ratings resources (between 1 and 5, for example), collaborative filtering aims to predict the ratings of one individual based on his past ratings and on a (large) database of ratings contributed by other users.
Example. Can we predict the rating an individual would give to the new Celine Dion album given that he gave the Beatles 5 out of 5?
In this context, item-based Collaborative Filtering [1][2] predicts the ratings on one item based on the ratings on another item, typically using linear regression (f(x) = ax + b). Hence, if there are 1,000 items, there could be up to 1,000,000 linear regressions to be learned, and so, up to 2,000,000 regressors. This approach may suffer from severe overfitting[3] unless we select only the pairs of items for which several users have rated both items.
A better alternative may be to learn a simpler predictor such as f(x) = x + b: experiments show that this simpler predictor (called Slope One) sometimes outperforms[3] linear regression while having half the number of regressors. This simplified approach also reduces storage requirements and latency.
Item-based collaborative is just one form of collaborative filtering. Other alternatives include user-based collaborative filtering where relationships between users are of interest, instead. However, item-based collaborative filtering is especially scalable with respect to the number of users.
[edit] Item-based collaborative filtering of purchase statistics
We are not always given ratings: when the users provide only binary data (the item was purchased or not), then Slope One and other rating-based algorithm do not apply. Examples of binary item-based collaborative filtering include Amazon's item-to-item patented algorithm[4] which computes the cosine between binary vectors representing the purchases in a user-item matrix.
Being arguably simpler than even Slope One, the Item-to-Item algorithm offers an interesting point of reference. Let us consider an example.
Customer | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 |
John | Bought it | Didn't buy it | Bought it |
Mark | Didn't buy it | Bought it | Bought it |
Lucy | Didn't buy it | Bought it | Didn't buy it |
In this case, the cosine between items 1 and 2 is
the cosine between items 1 and 3 is
whereas the cosine between items 2 and 3 is
Hence, a user visiting item 1 would receive item 3 as a recommendation, a user visiting item 2 would receive item 3 as a recommendation, and finally, a user visiting item 3 would receive item 1 (and then item 2) as a recommendation. The model uses a single parameter per pair of item (the cosine) to make the recommendation. Hence, if there are n items, up to n(n-1)/2 cosines need to be computed and stored.
[edit] Slope one collaborative filtering for rated resources
To drastically reduce overfitting, improve performance and ease implementation, the Slope One family of easily implemented Item-based Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering algorithms was proposed. Essentially, instead of using linear regression from one item's ratings to another item's ratings (f(x) = ax + b), it uses a simpler form of regression with a single free parameter (f(x) = x + b). The free parameter is then simply the average difference between the two items' ratings. It was shown to be much more accurate than linear regression in some instances[3], and it takes half the storage or less.
- Joe gave a 1 to Dion and an 1.5 to Lohan.
- Jill gave a 2 to Dion.
- How do you think Jill rated Lohan?
- The Slope One answer is to say 2.5 (1.5-1+2=2.5).
For a more realistic example, consider the following table.
Customer | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 |
John | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Mark | 3 | 4 | Didn't rate it |
Lucy | Didn't rate it | 2 | 5 |
In this case, the average difference in ratings between item 2 and 1 is (2+(-1))/2=0.5. Hence, on average, item 1 is rated above item 2 by 0.5. Similarly, the average difference between item 3 and 1 is 3. Hence, if we attempt to predict the rating of Lucy for item 1 using her rating for item 2, we get 2+0.5 = 2.5. Similarly, if we try to predict her rating for item 1 using her rating of item 3, we get 5+3=8.
If a user rated several items, the predictions are simply combined using a weighted average where a good choice for the weight is the number of users having rated both items. In the above example, we would predict the following rating for Lucy on item 1:
Hence, given n items, to implement Slope One, all that is needed is to compute and store the average differences and the number of common ratings for each of the n2 pairs of items.
[edit] Algorithmic Complexity of Slope One
Suppose there are n items, m users, and N ratings. Computing the average rating differences for each pair of items requires up to n(n-1)/2 units of storage, and up to m n2 time steps. This computational bound may be pessimistic: if we assume that users have rated up to y items, then it is possible to compute the differences in no more than n2+my2. If a user has entered x ratings, predicting a single rating requires x time steps, and predicting all of his missing ratings requires up to (n-x)x time steps. Updating the database when a user has already entered x ratings, and enters a new one, requires x time steps.
It is possible to reduce storage requirements by partitionning the data (see Partition (database)) or by using sparse storage: pairs of items having no (or few) corating users can be omitted.
[edit] Recommender Systems using Slope One
- hitflip a DVD recommender system
- inDiscover an MP3 recommender system
- RACOFI Composer a generic recommender system by the National Research Council
- Starfrosch an open MP3 blog community
- Value Investing News a stock market news site
[edit] Open Source software implementing Slope One
Python (programming language):
- A well documented Python implementation together with a tutorial
- Taste: a java-based collaborative library with support for Enterprise Java Beans (code sample)
- A standalone Java class implementing Slope One.
- The Cofi: A Java-Based Collaborative Filtering Library supports Slope One algorithms (documentation is so-so)
- The Vogoo library supports Slope One algorithms (PHP)
- The Aspedia ECM API supports Slope One algorithms (PHP)
- There is PHP source code accompanying a technical report[5] on Slope One algorithms
- A module for Drupal CMS that implements Slope One.
Erlang (programming language):
- Philip Robinson implemented Slope One in Erlang.
- Steve Jenson implemented Slope One in Scala.
Haskell (programming language):
- Bryan O'Sullivan implemented Slope One in Haskell.
Visual Basic for Applications:
- A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet Slope One implementation using VBA (requires enabled macros).
[edit] Footnotes
- ^ Slobodan Vucetic, Zoran Obradovic: Collaborative Filtering Using a Regression-Based Approach. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 7(1): 1-22 (2005)
- ^ Badrul M. Sarwar, George Karypis, Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl: Item-based collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms. WWW 2001: 285-295
- ^ a b c Daniel Lemire, Anna Maclachlan, Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering, In SIAM Data Mining (SDM'05), Newport Beach, California, April 21-23, 2005.
- ^ Greg Linden, Brent Smith, Jeremy York, " Recommendations: Item-to-Item Collaborative Filtering," IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 07, no. 1, pp. 76-80, Jan/Feb, 2003
- ^ Daniel Lemire, Sean McGrath, "Implementing a Rating-Based Item-to-Item Recommender System in PHP/SQL", Technical Report D-01, January 2005.