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One of the greatest technological revolution that we will be witnessing will be integration of softwares externally aparte from the components. The elements of human interface is identified as Cross Domain Inferencing. This social interfacing will be redefining the use of systems and components in the next social technological revolution.
According to Maturana two or more organisms interact recursively as structurally plastic systems, bringing about mutual ontogenic structural coupling. When we observe, the domain of interactions specified through such ontogenic structural coupling appears as a network of sequences of mutually triggering interlocked conducts. These conducts or its behaviors that has evolved are both arbitrary and contextual. They are arbitrary because they can have any form as long as they operate as triggering perturbations in the interactions; they are contextual because their participation in the interlocked interactions of the domain is defined only with respect to the interactions that constitute the domain. He has called the domain of interlocked conduits as a consensual domain.
Ontological evolution of software is looked from a perspective of complex social structure. It is of critical importance to realize that it has an independent tendency for self-organization, adaptation and movement. A social interactions in software brings about a software drift which is the continuous structural change which a software seeks to both sustain and re-define an appropriate ontogeny. It is an ontogeny that is simultaneously context and environment, application and human interface. Associative rules appear to guide software drift in the form of integrative or dissociative processes of feedback and constraint. And perhaps, just perhaps, the social fabric of software, the ontogeny we observe, is merely a combinatoric of these drifting strata of identity. Three conceptual frameworks need be addressed: Scaled States, Interiority/Exteriority and Cross-Domain Referencing.
According to Friedrich A. Kittler a medium is a medium is a medium.
Software is seen as a social life it is not fixed but coherency of embeddedness.Accepting that the social character of data is manifested in relational trajectories of the technical, semantic and behavioral, assumes that scaled states are continuous, smooth and non-differential. This analysis clearly offers a more engaging description that begins to account for the ontogenic complexity of software.
Internal and External
"Information is an expression of the difference between being inside and outside" - Tor Norretranders
The observation of software as a composite of internal and external identities is obvious. Cross-Domain Inferencing
Social action is called inferencing, which can be knowledge model or it can be anology and it can be referred as cross-domain inferencing. Cross-domain infererencing is an interesting subject in regard to development of understanding of how the role membranes play in the social life of software.
For a software to be autonomous (for a software to be soft) it must realize the contradiction of autonomy. Consider that autonomy requires semantic indiscernability (a contradiction as relation). Indiscernability, of course, being intrinsic to the movement and inertia required to duplicate and reproduce. How? First, software must know the domain class to which it is structurally coupled. Second, a software must inference that it is a duplicate among duplicates. In other words a software must self-reference in order to be social. The role of the membrane is to enable both of these functions. Inference theory has traditionally been used to conceptualize how organizations and their relationships as networks can lead to new knowledge. However, there may be great potential in a theory of inference that better describes how membranes enable autopoiesis in software.
How much softer can software be? It seems apparent that dynamics of relationship between information structures will continue to evolve as the ecology of software becomes increasingly complex. Computer to computer and human to computer communication, massively distributed networks, and hybridized meta-information objects are beginning to populate this new information ecology. The theoretical frameworks that will incorporate a social-biological perspective will prove to be interesting and imperative.