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Sixtyforce running The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Mac OS X
Developed by Gerrit Goossen
Latest release 0.9.2 / December 21, 2007
Preview release 0.9.5p1
Genre Emulator
License Proprietary, older versions open-source

Sixtyforce is a shareware Nintendo 64 emulator created exclusively for Mac OS X. It natively supports both Intel and PowerPC based machines.

While sixtyforce doesn't support as wide a range of games as Mupen64 (the only other Nintendo 64 emulator that supports Mac operating systems, aside from the obsolete TrueReality emulator), it runs significantly faster. Most games that work run at playable speeds on late-generation G4 and all G5 processors.

Sixtyforce, like Mupen64, uses a plugin-based system to allow for a wider range of game support.

Sixtyforce is offered both as a free or paid version. The free version lacks save states and displays the "Gerrit" logo on the bottom of the screen during play. The paid version, which costs $16, has these two features and no logo.

As of version .8.5, the source code for Sixtyforce has not been released. Thus, unlike most console emulators, Sixtyforce is proprietary software.

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