Sisu Pasi

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For information about the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI), see the separate article.
Sisu Pasi

Norwegian XA-186
Type Armoured personnel carrier
Place of origin Flag of Finland Finland
Weight 13.5 tonnes
Length 7.35 m
Width 2.9 m
Height 2.77 m
Crew 2 (+16 passengers)

Armor 10 mm
12.7 mm NSV machine gun
Engine Valmet 611 DSBJA diesel
236 hp (176 kW)
Power/weight 17.48 hp/tonne
Suspension wheeled 6×6
900 km
Speed 100+ km/h, swim 10 km/h

The Sisu Pasi is a six-wheeled armoured personnel carrier (APC) originally designed for Finnish Defence Forces. The first version was produced in 1983 and serial production began in 1984. The basic design was based on easy usage, simple basic structure and low cost maintenance. The basic appearance and configuration is similar to most wheeled APCs. The XA-180 and XA-185 versions are fully amphibious while the XA-203 isn't.


[edit] Development

In 1980, Sisu produced an XA-180 prototype for Finnish Army tests. It competed against two other prototypes, but was declared the winner of the trials in 1983. On 22 December 1983 the Finnish Army ordered a first batch of fifty XA-180s, of whom nine were reserved for UN duties. The vehicle proved quite successful and more orders were soon to follow.

The XA-180 won a was originally manufactured and marketed by the Finnish company Sisu Auto but later variants were marketed by the Finnish company Patria and are known as Patria XA series. The Vehicle's widely known nickname "Pasi" stems from the Finnish name "Panssari Sisu", English: Armoured Sisu. The main superstructure is mainly manufactured from 6 to 12 mm of armour steel and the bottom is mine strengthened, the front windows are bullet-resistant and equipped with protective hatches. The vehicle has continuous six wheel drive and good capabilities for off-road driving. It can take inclines up to a maximum of 60°.

The XA series has no standard armament, but is equipped with a rotating turret-structure for installation of light/heavy machine guns or autocannons. It also has 8 BMP style firing ports on the sides. Therefore passengers, usually a squad of infantry, can fire their weapons from the cover of the armor.

The XA series is popular in peacekeeping missions due to its mobility, non-aggressive looks, and good protection against mines and IEDs. The vehicle also offers a good combination of armament, comfort, mine protection, protection against shrapnel and small calibre fire, road speed, short time of learning how to drive, and an acceptable terrain mobility. Compared to other similar vehicles, like the Fuchs and BTR-80, it also offers more internal space.

The six-wheeled XA-series is no longer in production. The improved design is Patria XA-360, or AMV.

[edit] Operational service

The Sisu Pasi has seen service in several conflict areas, including Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Eritrea, Golan Heights, Kosovo, Lebanon, the Republic of Macedonia and Namibia.

[edit] Versions

Sisu XA-180
Original six wheeler, carries crew of 2 and 16 troops
Sisu XA-185
Upgraded version, carries crew of 2 and 18 troops. Has a more powerful engine and improved power transmission.
Sisu XA-200
The 200 series looks little different from older variants due to increased armour. It lacks amphibious capabilities but can wade through water that is up to 1.5 m deep. The improved armour protects the passengers against up to 14.5 mm small arms fire. It is also equipped with modern optical aids like periscopes and night vision. The armor upgrade was initiated after the realisation that the previous armor was inadequate, even modern armor-piercing 7.62 mm ammunition could pierce the older XA-180 and XA-185 models in certain areas. The XA-202 was originally developed for Communications and Command. The XA-203 was made as a temporary replacement for XA-185, and is intended to be replaced by Patria AMVs in Finnish service.

There are numerous sub-versions of the different main versions, e.g. armored personnel carriers, ambulance, communications, surface-to-air missile carrier, radar vehicle, headquarters, fire-fighting[1] and anti-tank versions among others.

[edit] Operators

  • Flag of Finland Finland: Finnish Army, Finnish Navy. 425 XA-180s and 185s, 148 XA-200s
    • XA-180, most upgraded to 185 specs, configured with special communications equipment
    • XA-185, the most common, some equipped with TOW turret, mainly Finnish vehicles are armed with 12.7 mm NSV machine gun.
    • XA-203, the last generation APC replacing the oldest 185 series.
    • XA-202 command and signals vehicle, configured with special communications equipment
    • XA-181 built for Crotale NG independent air defence unit
    • XA air defence radar unit, equipped with Jantronic J-1000 radar
    • Ambulance
  • Flag of Sweden Sweden: Swedish Army. 200 vehicles.
    • XA-180S, mainly in UN service
    • XA-202S, as command and control vehicles, Swedish special variant
    • XA-203S, General purposed APCs, armed with 20 mm gun
  • Flag of Norway Norway: Norwegian Army. 50 vehicles.
  • Flag of Estonia Estonia: Estonian Army
    • XA-180EST, former XA-180 of the Finnish army, which have been modernized. Quantity 60 vehicles. Sold without armament. Has shown interest to obtain another 30 units in 2008.
  • Flag of Ghana Ghana: In UN service.
  • Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands: Dutch Army. 90 units.
    • XA-188 GVV (early 200-series variant) Used by army and marines, equipped with GPS and satcom, armament MG or .50cal
    • XA 188 GWT Ambulance
  • Flag of Ireland Ireland: The Irish Army also operates two XA-180s, formerly as training vehicles for soldiers preparing for service in South Lebanon
  • Flag of the United Nations UN: A large number of Sisu XA-180 vehicles is used by UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon.
  • The KFOR force in Kosovo has 46 Sisu XA-180s. [1]

[edit] See also

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[edit] References

  1. ^ Image of fire-fighting Pasi