Wikipedia:Singapore roads and expressways infobox template

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List of Singapore roads and expressways infobox templates.

[edit] Templates and example uses

[edit] Template:Infobox Singapore Expressway routebox

{| class="infobox" style="width:22em; font-size:90%; text-align:left"
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" | [[Image:UK motorway symbol.svg|75px]]
| style="font-size:larger;" align="center" colspan="2" | '''''{{{eway_name}}}'''''
! Length
| {{{length-km}}}
! Direction
| {{{direction}}}
! Starting/Ending at
| {{{start/end1}}} <br /> {{{start/end2}}}
! Main areas passed through
| {{{area}}}
! Construction dates
| {{{construct_start}}} <br /> {{#if: {{{construct_end}}} | – {{{construct_end}}} | }}
! Expressway intersected
| {{{intersection}}}
{{#if: {{{cost|<noinclude>-</noinclude>}}} |
! Development cost 
{{!}} {{{cost}}}
{{#if: {{{AHN|<noinclude>-</noinclude>}}} |
! [[Asian Highway Network]] 
{{!}} {{{AHN}}}
{{#if: {{{no_ERP|<noinclude>-</noinclude>}}} |
! No. of [[Electronic Road Pricing|ERP Gantry]]
{{!}} {{{no_ERP}}}
{{#if: {{{no_tunnel|<noinclude>-</noinclude>}}} |
! No. of tunnels
{{!}} {{{no_tunnel}}}
Marina Coastal Expressway
Length 5
Direction North - West
Starting/Ending at Tanjong Rhu
Main areas passed through Marina Bay
Construction dates 20082013
Expressway intersected
Development cost S$2.5 billion
No. of tunnels 1
Usage name How to use it Example
eway_name Type the full name of the expressway; no Three letter acronym such as PIE. Pan Island Expressway, PIE
length-km Type in the full length of the expressway. 5km
direction Type down the direction the expressway is arranged, example: PIE is West - East; KPE is Northeast - South. East - West
Type down the area where both ends are placed at.
Note: If any of the expressway's end at an expressway, type in where the end is located followed by the name of the expressway that it ended at in bracket.
Tuas, Tampines (TPE)
area Type down the main areas/destinations the expressway goes through. Woodlands, Bukit Panjang, Bukit Timah
Type down the year where the construction starts and ends or the start of the first phase of construction and the end of the last phase of construction, including expanding to the expressway's end. Don't include repainting jobs and widening of expressways. 2008, 2013
intersection Type in the expressway(s) that it connected to. KPE, ECP, AYE
cost Type in how much it cost to build the expressway.
Note: All cost are to be in Singapore dollars only (S$).
S$2.5 billion
AHN Type the route number of where the expressway is placed. AH2
no_ERP Type in the number of ERP gantries that are located along the expressway. 5
no_tunnel Type in how many tunnel(s) is/are there and its name if any. 2 (Kampong Java Tunnel and Chin Swee Tunnel), 1

Note: Usage name in italics means that these can be hidden if no text is entered.