Simon Brown (musician)
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Simon Brown has been the director of music at King's College School in Cambridge since 1999[1][2] and has been the director of King's Voices since 2001.[3] He was a choral volunteer in King's College Choir in the late 1970s, and since then has sung in the choirs of New College, Oxford, Winchester Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and Her Majesty's Chapels Royal (St James' Palace). His teaching career began at Bradford Grammar School in Yorkshire, and was followed by 12 years as Head of Academic and Choral Music at the Purcell School. His time at the Purcell School included conducting the youngest ever choir to sing Tallis' 40-part choral work Spem In Alium.[4]
Brown's work with King's Voices has included evensongs in chapel on Mondays in full term, visits to Ely Cathedral and St George's Chapel, Windsor, and tours to Venice, Florence, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Rome. His musical hobbies include composition (the introit Thee We Adore, O Hidden Saviour, Thee was premiered on BBC Radio 3's Choral Evensong in 2006[5] and his new carol There is no rose was sung in the Advent Procession at York Minster this year) and recorder-playing.