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Location of the town and municipality of Simijacá in Cundinamarca Department.
Location of the town and municipality of Simijacá in Cundinamarca Department.

Simijaca (pronounced/SIMIH'ækƏ/), from the extinct Chibchan language meaning owl's beak, is a town and municipality in the Cundinamarca Department, Colombia. The town is located at 51°36′40″N, 73°49′45″W and has an altitude of 2559 metres. It is known as "La capital del mundo"[citation needed].


[edit] Establishment

The first establishment was done by Rodrigo Mexia Serrano on the 26th of February 1586. However, this population was ephemeral. And when the oidor (judge) Luis Enrique did a visitation, in July 1600, the natives had not populated the town and the entrusted had not built the church. By act on the 2nd of August 1600, carried out in Cucunubá, the new and actual town of Simijaca was established. It was form by natives from Simijaca Fúquene and Nemoguá.

[edit] The Hymn (Spanish)


Jubilosos, Simijenses,
entonemos un himno de amor,
a este pueblo, fortaleza,
de esperanza de fe y de valor.


Eres mezcla de ser aborigen
con la fuerza del pueblo español
creyentes en Jesús y la Virgen,
en la lluvia, la luna y el sol.
en tu cuna hay nobles ideales
rinconcito cundinamarqués,
con los picos del Sicuara,
Simijaca que linda te ves (bis)


el trabajo en la tierra fecunda
es el lema de nuestra región,
y ese verde en su campo que abunda,
es imagen de lucha y tesón.
en el firme suelo de tu valle
con sus cerros puestos cual altar,
bajo el manto de este cielo,
Simijaca, te quiero cantar. (bis)


con estudio le damos grandeza
a esta tierra de gran florecer,
deparando futuro y riqueza
a la gente que busca el saber.
es la ciencia la fuente suprema
que a los pueblos hace perdurar
¡deja huella!,
con los libros te hará inmortal. (bis)


¡adelante! Salitre, Hatochico,
peña Blanca, Pantano, Juncal,
Aposentos, don Lope, Churnica,
Centro, Táquira, con el Fical;


Oh veredas al gran compromiso,
a este pueblo la historia forjar;
con justicia y tolerancia,
Simijaca obtendremos la paz. (bis)

[edit] The Flag

[edit] What the colours mean

[edit] The coat of arms

[edit] External links
