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30- (top) and 72-pin (bottom) SIMMs. Early 30-pin modules commonly had either 256 KB or 1 MB of memory.
30- (top) and 72-pin (bottom) SIMMs. Early 30-pin modules commonly had either 256 KB or 1 MB of memory.

A SIMM, or single in-line memory module, is a type of memory module used for random access memory in older personal computers. It differs from a DIMM (the most predominant form of memory module today) in that the contacts on a SIMM are redundant on both sides of the module.

Most early PC motherboards (8088 based PCs and XTs) used socketed DIP chips. With the introduction of 286 based PC/ATs, which could use larger amounts of memory, memory modules evolved to save motherboard space and to ease memory expansion. Instead of plugging in 8 or 9 single DRAM DIP chips, only one additional memory module was needed to increase the memory of the computer. A few 286-based computers used (often non-standard) memory modules like SIPP memory (single in-line pin package). SIPP's 30 pins often bent or broke during installation, which is why they were quickly replaced by SIMMs which used contact plates rather than pins.

SIMMs were invented and patented by WANG Laboratories. One of Wang's scientists, James Clayton, invented what was to become the basic memory module, now known as a SIMM (single in-line memory module) in 1983. The first SIMMs appeared on the PS/2 in the mid 1980s, having been first proposed by Skip Coppola while at IBM. They solved several problems at the time, including shrinking motherboard real estate (they took up much less board space than socketed chips) as well as the effects of rapidly advancing memory capacities (a motherboard would quickly become obsolete based on its sockets for a particular RAM chip capacity) This also allowed the manufacturer (IBM at this time) to source RAM chips from different vendors and in different packaging, yet still allow them to be interchangeable through this intermediate form (the SIMM).

The first variant of SIMMs has 30 pins and provides 8 bits of data (9 bits in parity versions). They were used in 286, 386 and 486 systems.

The second variant of SIMMs has 72 pins and provides 32 bits of data (36 bits in parity versions). These appeared on 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro and even some Pentium II systems. By the mid 90s, 72-pin SIMMs had replaced 30-pin SIMMs.

The Macintosh IIfx requires non-standard 64-pin SIMMs.

Due to the differing data bus widths of the memory modules and some processors, sometimes several modules must be installed in identical pairs or in identical groups of four to fill a memory bank. For instance, a 286 or 386SX system (data bus width of 16 bits) would require two 30-pin SIMMs for a memory bank. On 386DX or 486 systems (data bus width of 32 bits), either four 30-pin SIMMs or one 72-pin SIMM are required for one memory bank. On Pentium systems (data bus width of 64 bits), two 72-pin SIMMs are required.

The earliest SIMM sockets were conventional push-type sockets. These were soon replaced by ZIF sockets in which the SIMM was inserted and rotated until it locked into place. To install a SIMM, the module must be placed in the socket at an angle, then rotated (angled) into position. To remove one, the two metal or plastic clips at each end must be pulled to the side, then the SIMM must be tilted back and pulled out. The earlier sockets used plastic retainer clips which were found to break, so steel clips replaced them.

RAM technologies used on SIMMs include EDO and FPM.

SIMM is standardised under JEDEC JESD-21C standard.


[edit] Standard sizes available

30-pin SIMM: 256KB, 1 MB, 4 MB, 16 MB

72-pin SIMM: 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB , 128 MB , 256 MB (server proprietary format).

[edit] Pinouts

30-pin SIMM Memory Module
Pin # Nomenclature Signal Description
2 CAS Column Address Strobe
3 DQ1 Data 0
4 A0 Address 0
5 A1 Address 1
6 DQ2 Data 1
7 A2 Address 2
8 A3 Address 3
9 VSS Ground
10 DQ3 Data 2
11 A4 Address 4
12 A5 Address 5
13 DQ4 Data 3
14 A6 Address 6
15 A7 Address 7
16 DQ5 Data 4
17 A8 Address 8
18 A9 Address 9
19 A10 Address 10
20 DQ6 Data 5
21 W Write Enable
22 VSS Ground
23 DQ7 Data 6
24 NC No Internal Connection
25 DQ8 Data 7
26 NC No Internal Connection
27 RAS Row Address Strobe
28 NC No Internal Connection
29 NC No Internal Connection
30 VCC +5VDC

72-pin ECC SIMM Memory Module
Pin # Non-Parity Parity Signal Description
1 VSS VSS Ground
2 DQ0 DQ0 Data 0
3 DQ1 DQ1 Data 1
4 DQ2 DQ2 Data 2
5 DQ3 DQ3 Data 3
6 DQ4 DQ4 Data 4
7 DQ5 DQ5 Data 5
8 DQ6 DQ6 Data 6
9 DQ7 DQ7 Data 7
11 PD1 PD1 Presence Detect 1
12 A0 A0 Address 0
13 A1 A1 Address 1
14 A2 A2 Address 2
15 A3 A3 Address 3
16 A4 A4 Address 4
17 A5 A5 Address 5
18 A6 A6 Address 6
19 A10 A10 Address 10
20 n/c PQ8 Data 8 (Parity 1)
21 DQ9 DQ9 Data 9
22 DQ10 DQ10 Data 10
23 DQ11 DQ11 Data 11
24 DQ12 DQ12 Data 12
25 DQ13 DQ13 Data 13
26 DQ14 DQ14 Data 14
27 DQ15 DQ15 Data 15
28 A7 A7 Address 7
29 A11 A11 Address 11
31 A8 A8 Address 8
32 A9 A9 Address 9
33 /RAS3 RAS3 Row Address Strobe 3
34 /RAS2 RAS2 Row Address Strobe 2
35 DQ16 DQ16 Data 16
36 n/c PQ17 Data 17 (Parity 2)
37 DQ18 DQ18 Data 18
38 DQ19 DQ19 Data 19
39 VSS VSS Ground
40 /CAS0 CAS0 Column Address Strobe 0
41 /CAS2 CAS2 Column Address Strobe 2
42 /CAS3 CAS3 Column Address Strobe 3
43 /CAS1 CAS1 Column Address Strobe 1
44 /RAS0 RAS0 Row Address Strobe 0
45 /RAS1 RAS1 Row Address Strobe 1
46 A12 A12 Address 12
47 /WE WE Read/Write
48 A13 A13 Address 13
49 DQ20 DQ20 Data 20
50 DQ21 DQ21 Data 21
51 DQ22 DQ22 Data 22
52 DQ23 DQ23 Data 23
53 DQ24 DQ24 Data 24
54 DQ25 DQ25 Data 25
55 n/c PQ26 Data 26 (Parity 3)
56 DQ27 DQ27 Data 27
57 DQ28 DQ28 Data 28
58 DQ29 DQ29 Data 29
59 DQ31 DQ31 Data 31
60 DQ30 DQ30 Data 30
62 DQ32 DQ32 Data 32
63 DQ33 DQ33 Data 33
64 DQ34 DQ34 Data 34
65 n/c PQ35 Data 35 (Parity 4)
66 PD2 PD2 Presence Detect 2
67 PD3 PD3 Presence Detect 3
68 PD4 PD4 Presence Detect 4
69 PD5 PD5 Presence Detect 5
70 PD6 PD6 Presence Detect 6
71 PD7 PD7 Presence Detect 7
72 VSS VSS Ground

[edit] See also

[edit] External links