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Sigmar Heldenhammer
Personal information
Age 2552 (if "alive")
Race Human
Current status Emperor and later Deity
Profession Patron deity of The Empire

Sigmar Heldenhammer is a fictional deity in the in the Warhammer Fantasy setting. He is the patron deity of The Empire. Before he became a god Sigmar was a man, albeit an exceptional, perhaps even superhuman one. A young tribal leader who lived 2,500 years before the present day, he united the primitive human tribes into what would become the mightiest human nation - the Empire. His sign is a two-tailed comet or a war hammer.

In addition to Thor, and perhaps more obviously Sigurd, Sigmar appears to be inspired by a series of heroes from myth (such as Hercules) and fantasy literature, especially Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian, as well as historical figures such as Charlemagne, the first Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Samson, the Israelite who slew a thousand Philistines with a jawbone of an ass, and Arminius, the warlord who led the Germanic tribes against the Roman army at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. An image of a hammer-wielding barbarian appeared on early versions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle fighting orcs and goblins.


[edit] History

The Imperial Calendar (the calendar now used by the Empire Sigmar founded) takes as it's starting date his coronation as Emperor after uniting the tribes under his ferocious leadership. This calendar places his birth in the year -30, in the Reikland area in the southwest of the Empire, to the Unberogen tribe (one of the most powerful pre-Empire tribes). The night of his birth was marked with the appearance of a twin-tailed comet, which the human tribes took as a sign of great portent from the gods.

In the year -15, Sigmar is believed to have helped drive off a Goblin invasion of his village - showing exceptional martial powers for a boy of only 15. In the same year, Sigmar led a punitive expedition against a Goblin war-party that was holding Kurgan Ironbeard, a king of the Dwarf people, prisoner. In gratitude, Kurgan presented the boy warrior with a magical rune-enchanted war hammer called "Ghal Maraz" ('Skull-splitter,.,.' in the Khazalid (Dwarven) tongue).

Sigmar then went on a campaign to unite the disparate tribes of the future Empire, and one by one they submitted, either by conquest or diplomacy. The most famous incident was his subjugation of the belligerent "Teutogens", the largest and most powerful of the tribes, who lived near the Middle Mountains in the north central Empire, near the current location of the Middenheim City-State (Freistadt). Their chieftain, Artur, was defeated by Sigmar in single combat, and this is commonly held to have been the point at which Sigmar gained control of the tribes of the Empire.

From that point onward, Sigmar embarked upon a campaign of purgation and liberation throughout all of the tribal lands, primarily against the Beastmen (Beasts of Chaos) and Goblinoid races (Orcs and Goblins), culminating in the First Battle of Black Fire Pass (IC -1), in present-day Averland, in the southeast of the Empire. Following this great victory, Sigmar returned in triumph to his native Reikland and was crowned Emperor Sigmar Heldenhammer I ('Hammer of Heroes') at Reikdorf, the site of the current Imperial capital of Altdorf. This date remains the Empire's greatest holy day, as it marks Sigmar's coronation and abdication fifty years later (IC 50) - it is in the summer of the Imperial year, on the 18th day of the month of Sigmarzeit.

While an Emperor rules to this day, Sigmar also gave power to the leaders of those tribes who had been united (sometimes by force) into his Empire. These powerful men were set up as the Elector Counts, a hereditary position second only to the Emperor in power and from whose ranks the Emperor (or on rare occasions Empress) is almost always chosen. As a rather pragmatic symbol of their rank and status, Sigmar commissioned the creation of twelve mighty swords, the Runefangs, by the legendary Dwarf smith Alaric the Mad to be gifted to the Elector Counts. Painstakingly crafted (as is the way of the Dwarfs) these blades were not completed until after Sigmar's disappearance, but they remain regardless a potent symbol of Imperial power and legitimacy.

In his fiftieth year of reigning, Sigmar put by his crown and set off to see what lay beyond the World's Edge Mountains to the east, in a similar fashion to the Dwarf ancestor/warrior deity Grimnir the Fearless, who legendarily strode off into the Chaos Waste to do battle with the Powers of the Warp. Sources conflict on the details of what precisely motivated Sigmar to do this; some accounts claim he set off to return Ghal Maraz to the Dwarfs, but the famous rune-hammer has traditionally been the weapon of the ruling Emperor and the primary symbol/relic of the Sigmarite cult, founded by Johann Helstrum in IC 73. A number of heresies have sprung up regarding the authenticity of Ghal Maraz, but the official Imperial position is that the weapon wielded by the Emperors is the hammer of Sigmar.

Following his disappearance, Sigmar passed over the World's Edge mountain range and no human ever saw him again. Within a generation, he was being venerated as a god. Sigmarism is now the foremost religion in the Empire and is inextricably intertwined with the political, cultural, and national identity of the Empire and its people. Curiously, while still mortal, Sigmar worshipped the Old World pantheon, and was crowned Emperor by the Ar-Ulric (the high [priest of the winter god Ulric). As the priests and worshippers of Sigmar often receive puissant, visible answers to their prayers, this suggests Sigmar has been truly deified, and answers his followers. The cult of Sigmar promises an afterlife of great glory for the righteous: after death they will join Sigmar to aid his eternal struggle against Chaos.

Unsurprisingly, the cults of Sigmar and Ulric frequently come into conflict. The Ar-Ulric and the two Arch-Lectors of the Sigmarite faith, as well as the Grand Theogonist (current: Volkmar the Grim), all maintain a vote in the election of the Emperors. While the cult and its leaders are often corrupt and hip-deep in the Byzantine politics of the Empire, it is a faith that preaches courage, justice, honor, and the protection of the weak and innocent from evil. It is also nationalistic and sees the preservation of Sigmar's original holdings as a sacred duty. The church's iconography primarily centres around images directly connected to Sigmar himself: the comet and the hammer are the foremost of these. Also a popular national and religious symbol is the griffon, the personal heraldry of Emperor Magnus the Pious, who saved the Empire from disaster during the Great War Against Chaos in IC 2302-2303.

It is a well-known theory among the theologians the Old World that a Champion of Light arises to do battle with the forces of Chaos when they unify around their periodic leaders. Many have felt that Sigmar may have been one of these, and that he fought the very first Everchosen, Morkar, and a number have argued for Magnus the Pious as well. The most recent case came in the year IC 2522, under a young man named Valten of Lachenbad, who became the central figure around which the Empire rallied to fight Archaon the Everchosen in the recent Storm of Chaos event. Valten was especially noted for his incredible strength, instinctive leadership, and strength of will. Furthermore, he strongly resembled the appearance ascribed to Sigmar in Imperial legend, and sported a birthmark on his chest of Sigmar's legendary twin-tailed comet. Hailed as the 'spiritual leader of the Empire' by Emperor Karl Franz and presented with Sigmar's own hammer Ghal Maraz, Valten was believed by many to be an avatar of Sigmar or the returned god under a different name. He was assassinated shortly after the war with Archaon ended by an assassin of the Skaven Clan Eshin, as was confirmed in the background book, the Loathsome Ratmen and All Their Vile Kin.

Recently, Volkmar the Grim has been reinstated as Grand Theogonist, after his successor, Johann Esmer, was 'persuaded' to step aside by the two Arch-Lectors. Esmer later fled to Marienburg.

[edit] Head of Order

The High Priest of the cult of Sigmar, called the Grand Theogonist, is an Elector of the Empire. Official location for Grand Theogonist is capital of the Empire. There are also two Arch-Lectors, who are also Electors. Their positions are two other biggest cities of Empire. In 2522 IC capital is Altdorf and Arch-Lectors are positioned in Nuln and Talabheim.

Grand Theogonists:

  • 2523 IC Grand Theogonist is Volkmar the Grim again. He takes his position back from the Johann Esmer with force. Esmer escapes to Marienburg.
  • 2521 IC Volkmar the Grim dies fighting Archaon in the beginning of Storm of Chaos. Johann Esmer takes the position.
  • 73 IC Johan Helstrum is named as the first High Priest of Sigmar. Rank that will be called later as Grand Theogonist.

[edit] Sigmarite Iconography

  • Twin-tailed Comet - The sign that appeared in the heavens on the night of Sigmar's birth, it has become a universal symbol of his cult. The twin-tailed comet has appeared two other times in Imperial history, in IC 1999 over the capital of Ostermark, Mordheim, prior to its destruction when the comet crashed in the middle of the city, destroying most of the civic structures and killing a substantial portion of the population. That particular comet was given the name "Sigmar's Hammer", since it was looked on as a herald of Sigmar's will, and since it destroyed the city of Mordheim, considered the capital of sinners, gamblers, drinkers, whores, and criminals, the comet has also become an icon of imminent Sigmarite judgment. A twin-tailed comet also attended the appearance of Valten of Lachenbad in IC 2522, and he bore the image of the heavenly icon on his chest. These were looked on as largely irrefutable evidence of his status as the avatar of Sigmar.
  • Ghal Maraz - In Khazalid, the Dwarf language, it means "skull-splitter", the legendary hammer of Sigmar, forged by the dwarf Alaric the Mad, is a symbol of Imperial unity, and the defense of humankind and the Empire. Alongside with the Twin-tailed Comet, it is the primary sign of Sigmar. In remembrance and honor of Ghal Maraz, the Order of the Silver Hammer, the martial arm of the Sigmarite cult, use warhammers in battle. It is a sign of particular balefulness to orcs and goblins, as the greenskin races are believed to hold an ancestral memory of the danger and death Ghal Maraz has meted out to their kind throughout history.
  • Griffin - Popular following the 2300s and the reign of Emperor Magnus I ('the Pious'). This was Magnus's personal heraldry, and has been adopted by many subsequent Emperors, most notably the 'Griffon Emperors' of Reikland. The griffon has also been adopted by the Church of Sigmar in general and by Grand Theogonist Volkmar in particular. The War Altar of Sigmar carries an ornate statue of a Griffon wielding Ghal Maraz, the emblem of Magnus's dynasty. On his chest, Volkmar wears the Jade Griffon, a protective amulet of great power fashioned in the likeness of Magnus's heraldry. In his sermons and private journals, Volkmar refers frequently to Magnus's deeds and words.
  • Imperial Cross - A long-standing symbol of Imperial unity, the top three arms stand for the northern, western, and eastern tribes of the ancient Empire, and the bottom refers to the Dwarfs, the Empire's oldest and staunchest allies. It has connotations of unity and oaths fulfilled.

Though once a man, Sigmar is now venerated as a warrior god and patron diety of his people, who guides and listens to the prayers of His faithful. He is an implacable enemy of Chaos and injustice. As with the gods of the Old World pantheon, Sigmar grants his clergy supernatural abilities, and His holy name is a weapon in of itself against the daemons of Chaos and the creatures of Undeath.

Sigmarite dogma teaches that the purest Sigmarites will be welcomed into Sigmar's domain in the Aethyr, the truly evil will be taken by Chaos, and those in between will be claimed by Mórr. Although yet to be canonised as a Saint, Magnus the Pious is revered as 'the Saviour' by commoner and Grand Theogonist alike, and is regarded by most as the greatest Sigmarite who ever lived.

[edit] Sigmar the Primarch?

Early in the history of Warhammer and it's brother system Warhammer 40k it was hinted that Sigmar was one of the superhuman Primarchs created by the immortal god-Emperor of mankind. On the surface many facts support this. Like the Primarchs, Sigmar was a near godlike warrior and inspired leader who united his people and rose to prominence on his planet while steadfastly fighting against the other forces of evil. Both Sigmar and Emperor became deified after their "deaths"; with the evidence being that they indeed wield godlike powers despite them both rejecting such deification in life (the Emperor through his fierce atheism, Sigmar through his worship of Ulrik). Indeed the fact the fact that both are Emperors draws a strong parallel between the two, and once which Games Workshop originally actively encouraged (having left the identity and fate of two of the Primarchs a mystery), with the inclusion, for example, of the Old Ones in later Warhammer mythology implying more strongly than ever that the Warhammer world sits within the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy. However, Games Workshop now denies and discourages these links, in an apparent effort to separate the two franchises. The recent release of Time of Legends: Heldenhammer states that Sigmar was born of a mortal woman and the abilities he displays in the novel although great do not match the sheer power of a Primarch

[edit] References

  • Warhammer Fantasy Battle main rulebook, 6th Edition, Games Workshop.
  • The Life of Sigmar, Black Library.