Siege of Calcutta

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Siege of Calcutta
Part of the East India Trading Company's struggles in a foreign country.
Date April of 1796
Location Calcutta, India
Result Nawab Tactical Victory
Nawab of Bengal Flag of the United Kingdom Kingdom of Great Britain
Siraj-ud-Daula Flag of the United Kingdom John Zephaniah Holwell
50,000 men 515 men
Casualties and losses
53 men 493

The Siege of Calcutta (April 1796) was a battle between the British (Kingdom of Great Britain) Honourable East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal in India. It began when British arrogance pushed the Nawab's forces until the latter attacked. The Nawab's forces besieged the British in Calcutta and a small fort outside of Calcutta, Fort William. Calcutta was captured, and many British prisoners died in a prison called the 'Black Hole after the town and fort were captured.[1]


[edit] Origins

When Ali Vardi Khan, an 81-year old nawab subahdar (imperial viceroy) died of natural causes, his grandson, Siraj-ud-Daula, took his place at the throne of the former province of the once powerful Mogul Empire of India. At the time, Bengal was still officially appended to India, though in every other respect it was still an independent state. [2]

There were many differences between the old nawab and the new one. These differences could not have been much more pronounced, in age and temperament. The wise old Ali Vardi Khan exhibited the sober, practical attitude of a statesman, whereas Siraj-ud-Daula was willful and impetuous, and was also mistrustful of everyone around him. [3]

The Honourable East India Company had established its first permanent trading post in Bengal in 1690 on the west bank of the Hooghly River, near the village of Kalikata. Six years later, Fort William was constructed, and for the next 60 years the city spawned and was renamed Calcutta. Company traders prospered on the massive volume of goods that flowed from the interior of India down the Ganges River.[4]

Ali Vardi Khan's policy toward the British as well as other Europeans, notably the French at Chandernagore and the Dutch at Chinsurah, had been one of guarded toleration. He allowed them to carry on their trade but hedged them about with restrictions and taxed their profits with often-heavy extortions. As long as they helped fill his own treasury coffers and remained peaceful, however, he suffered their presence. [5]

Siraj-ud-Daula did not have the same attitude. Of all the firinghies ("white devils") he distrusted the British the most. He cast covetous eyes at the vast treasure he believed they hoarded in Calcutta, and from the moment he became Nawab he began searching for a pretext to drive the British from his lands. He found two.[6]

[edit] First Pretext

The first pretext centered around Kissendass, the son of a high-ranking Bengali official, Raj Ballabh, who had incurred Siraj-ud-Daula's displeasure. When he was released after a brief imprisonment, Ballabh had arranged for the British to allow Kissendass to enter Calcutta along with the son's pregnant wife and family fortune, while Ballabh joined forces with those who opposed Siraj-ud-Daula's succession. The fact that the Calcutta officials continued to harbor Kissendass after Siraj-ud-Daula had become nawab--and had spurned his demand that they surrender the young man and his fortune to him--nurtured the young ruler's conviction that the British were actively plotting with his enemies at court. [7]

[edit] Second Pretext

View of Ft. William
View of Ft. William

The second incident concerned the construction of new fortifications by both the British and French at their Bengali strongholds. Both nations had long been battling for dominance along the southeast coast of India, known as the Carnatic. So far, they had kept the peace in Bengal, their rivalries confined to the marketplace. But with war, though as yet undeclared, being waged between the two nations in Europe, officials at Calcutta and Chandrnagore decided that their long-neglected defenses needed to be strengthened in case hostilities erupted in Bengal. [8]

When the newly enthroned nawab learned of the new fortifications, he immediately ordered them to halt their work and to raze any new construction, promising to protect both foreign enclaves from attack as his grandfather had before him. The French, realizing just how tenuous their position in Bengal really was, meekly replied that they were not building foreign fortifications, merely repairing their existing structures.[9]

The British reacted differently. Roger Drake, the 34-year-old acting governor general of Calcutta, stated that they were only preparing for their own protection-strongly implying that the nawab would be powerless to provide it.

[edit] First Battles

Added to his fears that the British were preparing for the arrival of a large force from Madras to invade Bengal (the French created and spread these rumors). [10]

By the end of May, a huge army of 50,000 strong, had been assembled under the command of Raj Durlabh. The nawab sent a letter to Governor Drake. It was no less than a declaration of war. [11]

The first disaster to befall the British came quickly. On June 3, the nawab's forces surrounded the ill-prepared East India Company fort at Cossimbazar, whose numbered only 50 men. Two days later, the garrison surrendered; the only shot fired was by the garrison commander, who committed suicide rather than submit. The nawab's army confiscated all British guns and ammunition, then marched on to Calcutta.[12]

[edit] Fort William

When the news of disaster finally reached Fort William, the fog of complacency there was replaced by panic and indecision. [13]

Acting Governor Drake combined a disastrous incapacity for planning and decision making with a degree of personal arrogance that had already alienated most of his fellow countrymen. The few men there that were capable and levelheaded were too low in the company’s hierarchy, and their advice was ignored. [14]

After the small garrison at Cossimbazar was lost, Drake and the council sent desperate pleas for help to the French and Dutch settlements. Neither wanted to join the British in their predicament.[15]

The British then implored the authorities in Madras to send reinforcements — but the issue had been decided before the letters could be answered. Drake then attempted to appease the nawab’s anger by promising to submit to all of his demands, but it was too late.[16]

Only then did the council members begin to examine the state of Fort William — and found that the fort had been neglected for so long that it was falling apart. The walls of the fort (18 feet tall, 4 feet thick) were crumbling in many places. Along the east wall large openings had been excavated during the long years of peace to admit air and light. The wooden platforms of the bastions were so rotten that they could support far fewer cannons than intended, and most of the cannons proved unusable in any case. All the south wall warehouses, or godowns, had been erected outside the fort, which precluded any flanking fire from the two south bastions.[17]

The East India Company's chief engineer, John O'Hara, advised the council to demolish the buildings surrounding the fort so the defenders could have a clear shot at an enemy attacking from any direction. The council member and chief military officer-owned houses would have to be leveled, so the council ignored O'Hara's suggestion. They decided instead to draw up a defensive line that encompassed the British Enclave that huddled about Fort William, leaving the sprawling expanse of native dwellings and marketplaces known as "Black Town"--home to well over 100,000 Indians--to the mercy of the attacking army.

Batteries were placed across the three main thoroughfares leading to the fort from the North, South, and East. The smaller streets were blocked by palisades. [18]

The plan that was drawn up would require the defensive line to be adequately manned. Yet when the garrison was mustered, everyone, including Captain-Commandant Minchin, was surprised to find only 180 men fit for duty, and only 45 were British. The rest were Portuguese, and Armenian half-castes, whose fighting capabilities were deemed questionable.

A militia was hastily formed from the young Company apprentices (whom were known as 'writers'), the crews of many vessels that still crowded the harbor, and the Armenian and Portuguese population. Manningham, and Frankland whom Drake had made Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel were appointed to command the militia. The militia added another 300 men to the defense of Calcutta, for a total of 515 troops.[19]

Defensive preparations were hampered by the disappearance of native manpower, as their lascars fled along with most of Black Town's population as the news of Siraj ud Daula's approach spread. [20]

[edit] Omichand

Omichand was the only Hindu wealthy enough to own a house in the European "White Town". Omichand recently had lost the prestigious position of chief investing and purchasing agent for the East India Company in it's transaction with the Bengalis. [21]

Suspician grew that, to gain revenge for this considerable slight, Omichand had secretly urged Siraj ud Daula to attack the British and that suspicion was confirmed when two letters from the nawab's camp (Siraj ud Daula's camp) were found addressed to Omichand. [22]

Kissendass, who was a house guest at the time of Omichand's plight, was also arrested when found with Omichand. They were then incarcerated in a small jail near Fort William's southeast bastion, in a room that was used to house drunken and disorderly sailors. Ill-lit by two small, barred slits for windows that provided little light. Foul smelling and ovenlike, the small room earned the appropriate nickname, The Black Hole.[23]

[edit] Siraj ud Daula's Advance

On June 13, the advance guard of the nawab's army was within 15 miles of Calcutta, a day's march away. All English women and children were ordered to take refuge in the fort, and the outer batteries and palisades were rushed to completion. [24] He then surrounded Fort William, and then assaulted the south wall. The gunners had no time to bring their guns up, and the Indians swarmed in. They then attacked the rest of the fort, and in little time, the fort was captured.

[edit] The Black Hole

Main Article-Black Hole of Kolkata

The captured prisoners were held in a prison called the Black hole.

[edit] Outcome

The East India company lost their grip in India, and were forced to leave.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Bedford (1997)
  2. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  3. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  4. ^ Bedford (1997)
  5. ^ Manas (2001)
  6. ^ Bedford (1997)
  7. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  8. ^ Manas (2001)
  9. ^ Bedford (1997)
  10. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  11. ^ Manas (2001)
  12. ^ Bedford (1997)
  13. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  14. ^ Manas (2001)
  15. ^ Bedford (1997)
  16. ^ Manas (2001)
  17. ^ Bedford (1997)
  18. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  19. ^ Bedford (1997)
  20. ^ Manas (2001)
  21. ^ Berriedale (2003)
  22. ^ Bedford (1997)
  23. ^ Bedford (1997)
  24. ^ Berriedale (2003)

[edit] References