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I'm THE Sick-little-Wolfboy. Yes the same Guy who rants and raves and bitches on the interent. I'm a Joke of a Artist, poet, and writer, and a Half Fur.

At 5:15 p.m. [mountain Time] Janurary, 8, 2007. I TOOK ON THE LEGENDARY /B/ Board Of 4chan Infamy, AND WALKED AWAY SMILING! Originally I did my now legendary Youtube Rants just to piss off the tards, But then Those joke Faux/b/'s Tried So hard to insult and "destroy" me, Only doing exactly what i planned them to do!

How sad how they lost so damn hard, it was hilairious, and alittle bit pathetic. They are truly, as they would say, Made of Fail and Shit. Congradulations /b/! You walked into the BIGGEST GOD DAMN TRAP and PROVED ME RIGHT! Congradulations you pathetic jokes!

I did those rants originally for 5 reasons. 1. To Piss of /b/ 2. To become a Meme [or a chan] 3. To prove a point 4. To draw out the poser tards 5. Profit!

Though afew of my goals failed, the rest went off without a hitch! its so incredibly pathetic how they not only bought into my trap, but only aided me in proving my point!

Sadly the new /b/ failed to live up to my expectations, granted they never really achived much to begin with. One part of me expected the wrath of a angery god to be desended upon me, the other true tard part of me expected to be ignored. Sadly, but ironically, they failed in both, only putting up a feeble attempt at "destroying me", and just makign me laugh so damn hard i fell out of my chair. Nice try /b/, try again when your balls drop, maybe then you'll be a challenge for me.

~ Dale K. Marieiro