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[edit] Shwe

[edit] Summary & Specialties

Better Relationship Marketing & Ad Targeting through Measurement and Data Analysis. (1)

Specialties: Ad Targeting, Analyzing and Improving Marketing Programs, Relationship Marketing, Market Research, Emarketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), CRM, Database, mySQL, SQL Server

[edit] Quoted about...

Targeting: The process of delivering the best possible ad to the user through content matching, profiling, or filtering. (2)

[edit] Personal References

[edit] Erica G.:

He is a great friend to all. He has a daughter that looks EXACTLY like him. He worked at Dendrite where he is greatly missed.

ps - Shwe is a very smarmy character.

USE IN SENTENCE: "I saw Shwe last night, he is very smarmy".

[edit] References