Shuza (cinnabar monopoly)
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Shuza (首座 shuza?) was the Tokugawa shogunate's officially-sanctioned cinnabar monopoly or cinnabar guild (za)[1] which was created in 1609.[2]
Initially, the Tokugawa shogunate was interested in assuring a consistent value in minted coins; and this led to the perceived need for attending to the supply of cinnabar.
This bakufu title identifies a corporate entity with responsibility for supervising the handling and trading of cinnabar and for superintending all cinnabar mining and cinnabar-extraction activities in Japan.[3]
[edit] Notes
- ^ Jansen, Marius. (1995). Warrior Rule in Japan, p. 186, citing John Whitney Hall. (1955). Tanuma Okitsugu: Forerunner of Modern Japan. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- ^ Takekoshi, Yosaburo. (1930). The economic aspects of the history of the civilization of Japan, p. 238; Schaede, Ulrike. (2000). Cooperative Capitalism: Self-Regulation, Trade Associations, and the Antimonopoly Law in Japan, p. 223.
- ^ Hall, John Wesley. (1955) Tanuma Okitsugu: Foreruner of Modern Japan, p. 201
[edit] References
- Hall, John Wesley. (1955). Tanuma Okitsugu: Foreruner of Modern Japan. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Jansen, Marius B. (1995). Warrior Rule in Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10-ISBN 0-521-48404-9
- Schaede, Ulrike. (2000). Cooperative Capitalism: Self-Regulation, Trade Associations, and the Antimonopoly Law in Japan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10-ISBN 0-198-29718-1; 13-ISBN 978-0-198-29718-5 (cloth)
- Takekoshi, Yosaburo. (1930). The economic aspects of the history of the civilization of Japan. New York: MacMillan.
[edit] See also
- bugyō
- Kinzan-bugyō
- Kinza - Gold za (monopoly office or guild).
- Ginza - Silver za (monopoly office or guild).
- Dōza - Copper za (monopoly office or guild)