Shpendi Sollaku Noé

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Shpendi Sollaku

Born 1957
Lushnja, Albania - living in Italy
Pen name Noé
Occupation Poet, Journalist
Nationality Alban-Italian
Writing period 1978-now
Genres Poetry

Shpendi Sollaku Noé (born 1957 in Albania) is a professor, journalist and poet. Noé studied Albanian language and literature. Since 1992 he has lived in Italy as a political refugee.

He is active as a translator, mainly from Italian, Russian and Albanian. The author keeps relationships with newspapers and reviews. His works are translated in many languages. We most notice too his activity forward the protection of the human rights, especially for emigrants and politic exiles.

[edit] Works

  • I puledri azzurri ("Azure Colts"), Tirana, Albania, 1978;
  • La Colombia balcanica ("The Balkan Colombia"), Italy 1994
  • Il secolo breve dei Balcani ("The short Balkan century"), Italy 1994
  • Il regno del proibito ("The Kingdom of the Forbidden") Italy, 1995
  • Applaudire Caligola ("To applaud Caligola"), Italy 1997
  • Un posto a piedi per Galilea ("A place at the feet of Galilea"), Italy 1999-2000
  • Murus Noster, Italy, 2007.

[edit] External links

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