Shotgun proteomics

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Shotgun proteomics is a method of identifying proteins in complex mixtures using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry.[1][2][3] The name is derived from shotgun sequencing of DNA which is itself named by analogy with the rapidly-expanding, quasi-random firing pattern of a shotgun. In shotgun proteomics, the proteins in the mixture are digested and the resulting peptides are separated by liquid chromatography. Tandem mass spectrometry is then used to identify the peptides.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Hu L, Ye M, Jiang X, Feng S, Zou H (2007). "Advances in hyphenated analytical techniques for shotgun proteome and peptidome analysis--a review". Anal. Chim. Acta 598 (2): 193–204. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2007.07.046. PMID 17719892. 
  2. ^ Fournier ML, Gilmore JM, Martin-Brown SA, Washburn MP (2007). "Multidimensional separations-based shotgun proteomics". Chem. Rev. 107 (8): 3654–86. doi:10.1021/cr068279a. PMID 17649983. 
  3. ^ Nesvizhskii AI (2007). "Protein identification by tandem mass spectrometry and sequence database searching". Methods Mol. Biol. 367: 87–119. doi:10.1385/1-59745-275-0:87. PMID 17185772. 

[edit] Bibliography