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Shoresh (Hebrew: שורש‎, lit. Root) is a moshav in the Judean hills, 15 minutes from Jerusalem and 5 km from Sha'ar HaGai. The village is administered by the Matte Yehuda Regional Council.

[edit] History

On April 15, 1948, members of the Harel Brigade captured the Arab village of Saris which was located on the highway to Jerusalem. The strategic hilltop position had been used to fire on Jewish vehicles traveling on the road below.[1]

That year, a group of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe founded a kibbutz on the site. Four years later, it became a semi-cooperative moshav. Shoresh encompasses an area of 7,500 dunams. In 2005, 200 families were living there.

[edit] Economy

Shoresh runs a hotel and conference center, and a banquet hall.

[edit] References
