Shoes (Widget toolkit)

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Shoes is tiny UI toolkit written in C Ruby by why the lucky stiff. Shoes applications works under Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Ubuntu). It's based on concept that making GUI should be similar to creating www website.

[edit] Concept of stacks and flows in Shoes

Stack stays for simple vertical container for UI elements. Widgets in stacks are positioned like in real-life stack: one on another, verticaly. It is more similar to div HTML tag and other block-positioned tag elements.

Flows packs element "as tight as it is possible" - elements are placed one next to another. This positioning method is similar to inline-positioning in HTML.

Below example shows using stacks and flows together:

#!ruby do
   stack do
     image "static/hackety-org-header.png"
   stack :width => 200 do
     # column 1
     text "column 1"
   stack :width => -200 do
     # column 2
     text "column 2"

  • [1] Shoes homepage