Shmuel Wosner
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Rabbi Shmuel (HaLevi) Wosner is a prominent Haredi rabbi and posek ("decisor of Jewish law") living in Bnei Brak, Israel.
Rabbi Wosner was born in 1913 in Vienna, Austria and he learned at the famous Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin lead by Rabbi Meir Shapiro and he was also a student of Rabbi Shimon of Zelicov who was the official supervisor and caretaker at the Yeshiva. In Vienna, he had known and befriended the late Rabbi Chanoch Dov Padwa. He married and immigrated to Israel before the Holocaust, and dwelled in Jerusalem where he studied at the Dushinsky Yeshiva. It was in that time that, in spite of his young age, he became a member of the Edah HaChareidis. When he arrived to reside in Bnei Brak, upon the incentive of the Chazon Ish, Rabbi Dov Berish Widenfeld of Tshebin, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer and Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog he established his "Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin" bearing the same name as the one in Lublin where he studied in his youth.
He is the author of several works of Jewish law, such as Shevet HaLevi ("The Tribe of Levi"), a comprehensive series of Halachic rulings on Jewish laws comprising of ten volumes and several other Torah books all bearing the same name.
His sons include Rabbi Chaim Wosner, dayan of London's Satmar community, who serves as a judge in the beth din of London's chareidi community to hear cases involving financial disputes.