Shloime Dachs

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Shloime Dachs is an American singer of Jewish music. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Having been a member of Amudai Shaish and Tz'lil V'Zemer as a child, his singing matured as he got older. He was a member of the Regesh Chorus Ensemble at the fifth HASC (Hebrew Academy for Special Children) "A Time for Music" concert. His first solo appearance came along at the First Annual Miami Experience concert, singing Pischu Li composed by Yitzy Bald.

His debut solo album, "One Day at a Time" was released in 1996. Two years later he released "Acheinu", followed by "K'ish Echad", and most recently, "Hashem Echod". Several years later he released "Avinu", which featured a simultaneous DVD video.

In addition, he was the head counselor for some time for the boys division of Camp Torah Temimah, located in Marine Park, Brooklyn.

He is also the founder of the Shloime Dachs Orchestra, a Jewish band performing at many concerts and at weddings.

Shloime is also a major supporter of the "OHEL" Children's Home and Family Services and all of their activities, and was honored at the OHEL Concert in 2006.

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