User:Shiftchange/What else do I think?

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This page in a nutshell: When I am not thinking about how to improve Wikipedia I think about a better world without wars, extravagance and waste. I have extreme views on intellectual property and radical social views some of which are collected and outlined below.

I am deeply concerned about the protection of the environment because I want to conserve the beauty of our planet's natural heritage, instead of accidently destroying it as a consequence of my life. I admire nature and the environment, especially sunsets, mountains, forests, beaches and gardens. I have strong liberal views and opinions and I am only interested in left-wing politics. I find that anything right-wing is bogus. I definately harbour radical, anarchist ideology, but for now, some laws are good.

I firmly believe in the principles of equality between people and the quest to remove human suffering. I want to get rid of the society we have now and produce a freedom nirvana. I want more wisdom, reasoning, enlightenment and intelligence, while privacy and security should be maintained for the individual in the long-term.

ISTJ This user's MBTI type is ISTJ.
This user is opposed to online censorship.

I am not pleased with the Western world's culture and values. I am particularly appalled at my governments actions that are justified in the name of national security and economic growth. I want to get rid of these destructive, exploitive societies and their useless systems of government. Their associates that present, produce and manage the content in the mass media, while pretending to just present news of what happened, have to go with the rest. These people that make propaganda, deliberately make omissions to hide and distort the reporting of important facts and tell lies to make a living, have to be stopped.

I think it is especially important for the media to investigate concealed or critical evidence that contradicts the government's claims and explanation of events. I wish people would realise that what politicians say is totally inconsequential and what is important is their policies, voting record and their role in the creation of laws. I want more avenues to be provided for whistleblowers.

We need judges to have more tribunals and try these criminals. It disgusts me that this barbaric behaviour continues in the 21 st century. I want George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard tried for war crimes and then shot. This is the best way to stop more imperial wars from occuring. I want them to serve as examples to other leaders that it is not just to attack and invade sovereign nations. Shame on these traitors, their aides, enablers and accomplices.

Fighting an unnecessary war of aggression has always been a supremely, horrendous crime. When individuals in government give these military orders they must be held accountable according to the standards set out at the Nuremberg trials that were conducted after World War II. It is the war mongers that should be slaughted. This is the only sensible, responsible thing to do - the political scientists, legal experts, military leaders, peace activists, family members of victims and the unions to overthrow any government committing these crimes. International law is not to be applied only when it suits the west's interests.

When will these war advocates relase that going to war brings havoc and violence not peace and freedom? I think one of the least honourable things to do is to put on a uniform, pick up weapon and go fight a war in another country. I think it is far more courageous to stand up and let your voice be heard, especially if you think somebody is doing the wrong thing. My heros are those people that stand up and warn others of impending dangers.

At the same time, I think it should be illegal to call for wars against other non-attacking states because wars are killing more and more civilians. Calling for wars means calling for the deaths of innocent people and it should be outlawed. Members of political parties that support aggresive war policy and those advocating military interventions should be forced to serve in the military. When will the ICC prosecute those responsible for the conduct of the military? When will the political parties that support these murderous adventures be banned?

I think it is very important to destroy this military intelligence complex and the petrodollar empire must be exposed and taken apart. This glorification and celebration of militarism must cease. I want to encourage more anti-americanism and align Austalia towards a more decent and sustainable future. I would never trust a jew and laugh at their slaves. I want to promote anti-semitism and find a good solution to the Jewish Question because I object to domination by zionist jews and their collaborators. Israel needs to be abolished as it has absolutely no right to exist. This apartheid theocracy was a terrible idea from the start and has since proven to be the greatest threat to its region and possibly the greatest obstacle to obtaining world peace.

Buildings smashed together, I'm still waiting for someone to explain why the US military didn't do its job when required and stop the hijacked planes and why that grotesque US president did even less? Why did all those people claim to hear, see or feel explosions just before the towers fell? Why was all the material in the buildings pulverized into dusty powder? Where are the planes flight recorders?
Buildings smashed together, I'm still waiting for someone to explain why the US military didn't do its job when required and stop the hijacked planes and why that grotesque US president did even less? Why did all those people claim to hear, see or feel explosions just before the towers fell? Why was all the material in the buildings pulverized into dusty powder? Where are the planes flight recorders?

I think anyone discussing September 11 2001 attacks without reference to 9/11 conspiracy theories and Bush Administration complicity is a fool. I want those responsible at the Pentagon tried for allowing the attacks to happen, and members of the Project for the New American Century rounded up as well. I want to know how and why Seven World Trade Center was demolished and I want to investigate the controlled demolition hypothesis. I want to hear from more from the 9/11 Truth Movement. We need a detailed convincing explanation of what occurred. I want to see the setup and implementation of initiatives like the Joint Oil Data Initiative and an International Independent Truth Commission to find some real answers. Energy development should be publically owned and operated, lest special interests takeover.

I don't believe in capital punishment, mandatory sentencing laws, torture or secret prisons. I belive that if someone wants to euthanize themselves they should. I want less interference by governments stopping abortions and greater access to contraception for whoever wants it. I want more disincentives for having child births. I want the edlerley, who are mostly out of touch with things and whose stake in the future is limited, to be banned from voting in elections.

We need to blacklist or create a criminal code for people with more than 1 million dollars or so to their name, from holding positions of power, influence and responsibility. It shouldn't be illegal to have more money than that however I think it would be best if very wealthy people were forced to divest their assets before holding a position of social prestige. Might not this be the best way to get rid of the idle rich as well as poverty, over-consumption, cronyism, political corruption, bludging and a whole range of social maladies?

I want to abolish very high wages for CEOs, media personalities, actors, musicians and other vocations which pay exorbitant prices for product or performance. I want more taxes on wasters and polluters, especially those individuals, organisations and countries that contribute to climate change, like truckdrivers, the USA, China, people who travel on planes and those who waste electricity, food and water. I want to collaborate strategically to take down this devestating oil civilization and its bizarre adoption of polluting and carnage causing, wasteful, noisy, expensive cars. I want bans on car advertisements and no more commercials for air travel.

I stopped buying movie tickets and compact discs in 2000 and magazines will before that. I have never bought software, except for the odd computer game and a I've bought a newspaper maybe once or twice. I want to destroy the permission-based copyright model of content trading. I'm totally for piracy of any and all intellectual property. I eagerly await the end of all revenue derived from information products into improved services and the delivery of physical things. I want to bring about an innovation utopia where information shall be freely distributed on the internet. I am against the idea of rewarding people who create information.

I want to live in a world when art, knowledge and information are unrestrained by economic factors. When a technology has developed that allows anyone to share any sort of information with any number of others then it should be explored, not restricted. A system of barter and free sharing of information and knowledge is always better than one involving regulation and artificial scarcity. So I think intellectual property laws are unjust and want them abolished as soon as possible. I understand and appreciate property rights which exist to allocate physically, finite resources but not for information, which can replicated endlessly and at no cost.

I like discussion to be specific, not vague and ambiguous. I avoid using jingoistic catchphrases and meaningless cliches. I think people should always select an appropriate forum and express their opinion whenever they have an opportunity. This is why I always pay attention to the message from a protester. I often like to know more about what people think, not what they feel, but I don't actually care what other people think. I am not interested in boring celebrities, their sad imitators nor would I consider myself to be a fan of anyone. I crave diversity, shun social conformity and I especially don't like rules based on one's gender. I hardly ever pay attention to brands or something as unimportant as a clothing label.

Some things I don't understand are laziness, greed, egotism and religion. When I hear people talk about these things and when I notice other traits like incompetence, arrogance, superficiality, fakery or insincerity, I see behaviour and hear discussion which makes no sense. Instead I constanly hear nonsense and rhetorical dogma meshed into a weak argument based on a pointless suggestion or false premise.

I don't believe it is ever appropriate to talk about supernatural beings, miracles, heaven or life after death as if they are real, because all these thoughts are ridiculous beyond belief. Nobody has a soul, prayer is pointless and I don't believe anything is holy, sacred or blasphemous or that someone's faith should be respected. Instead these delusional fantasies deserve nothing but derision. I don't know what it is that makes people in anything remotely spiritual but whatever the reason it is far far beneath me. I think it is especially disrespectful to reference heaven and dieties in time of loss and sorrow. Constantly paying respects to cruel, irrational fabrications can only be detrimental submission.

I also don't feel jealousy. I feel sorry for people that are always wanting more material things or those that never have time for something new or different. I think patriotism is uncivil and primitive. Despite what most others seem to believe, I know these things do more harm than good. Therefore they should not be cherished. I think the characteristics mentioned above are unfortunate and an insult to my intellect, because nobody is able to provide a logical, justified reason explaining how and why such things are good.

Information, knowledge and the truth can never be a bad thing, but people can take actions that are bad. If I can understand people's beliefs then I can understand their actions better. I like to hear people's opinion as feedback, not derogatory speech which is boring and transparent. Opinions about where others think I am incorrect can be interesting, because unaccounted for mistakes, especially ongoing unjudged errors, can turn into problems. I used to make the mistake in trusting that others will think for themselves.

I think there are too many people and too much business for our one small planet. I notice that people get too involved with furthering their insignificant careers instead of focusing on the important issues and that many people have difficulty identifying the role they play in making social problems worse. I think the average person is obsessed with their status and fanatical about money. I like to be frugal and never think about making money cause the more money one has, the more resources one consumes and in the long run, the more someone will suffer. I think being successful is about having an increasingly smaller ecological footprint, particularly living a life where one uses less energy day by day.

I want to change the Australian flag and for this county to become a republic. I want Australia to stop exporting coal, place taxes on aviation fuels add add a carbon tax on goods and services. We must take all steps necessary to combat climate change regardless of sacrifice or cost. I have no sympathy for those people that work in polluting industries who simply have to find alternative employment.

I want to bring about a totally revolutionary state that facilitates real democratic participation and yet I am constantly dismayed by others care-free attitude and lack of consideration for others. I imagine states will dissolve into a global collective as the world falls into a global energy crisis. Sourcing fuels and energy supplies will soon be the bane of modern life across the planet. Shortly after that all material goods will become prohibitively expensive for everyone. Within a decade, I see more socialism which will emerge everywhere, all at once in a environmental revolution.

See also: User:Shiftchange/Predictions. 24 July 2006 (never updated).