Shizuteru Ueda
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Shizuteru Ueda (上田 閑照? born January 17, 1926) is a Japanese philosopher specializing in philosophy of religion.
The son of a buddhist priest, he studied philosophy at Kyoto University where his mentor Keiji Nishitani oriented his studies toward medieval mystics. He then went to Germany to obtain a doctorate and received a PhD from Marburg with a thesis on Meister Eckhart. He returned to Kyoto University to teach philosophy of religion. Later he specialized in the thought of Kitaro Nishida. Being a zen practitioner, Ueda -like Nishida- studied zen buddhism under the philosophical categories of western philosophy. He is considered a third generation member of Kyoto School.
[edit] Bibliography
Raquel Bousa, Foreword in Zen y Filosofía, Shitzuteru Ueda, Herder, 2004.