Shiqi dialect

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Shiqi dialect
Traditional Chinese: 石岐話
Simplified Chinese: 石岐话

Shiqi dialect is a dialect of Cantonese.[1] It is spoken by roughly 160,000 people in Zhongshan, Guangdong's Shiqi urban district. It differs slightly from Standard Cantonese, mainly in its pronunciation and lexicon.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Lin Baisong/林柏松 (1997). "石岐方音". Huang Jiajiao/黃家敎 汉语方言论集, Beijing Language and Culture University Publishing House. ISBN 7-5619-0486-X. 
  2. ^ "(方言文化)合奏一曲方言交响乐", Nanfang Daily, 2005-11-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-22. 