Shinagawa Masakazu

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Shinagawa Masakazu (品川将員? 1544-October 13, 1565) was a retainer under the Mori clan throughout the latter Sengoku period of feudal Japan. He other names were Katsumori (勝盛), Shinagawa Daizen (品川大膳) and Shinagawa Ōkaminosuke (品川狼之介).

Primarily serving under the left arm of Mori Motonari, Masakazu was notable for his prowess in martial combat, supporting his lord with greater valiance during the campaign against Amago. As Motonari had previously seized Shirable castle from the control of the Amago and followed by assaulting their capital city of Gassan-Toda in 1565, Masakazu supported the Mori in this attack, at which he would presently ask a warrior of greater distinction on the battlefield--Yamanaka Shikanosuke for a personal duel, making fun of Shikanosuke in the process for possessing deer in his name, changing his own name to Taraki Okaminosuke as a joke--providing the 'okami ("wolf")' as a means to show that he will kill a deer, according to their nature. As the two warriors received mutual consent from their respective lords, they set their playing field at a small island that laid within Toda River's center, aligning themselves with immediate preparations before beginning their duel. Beginning their bout, Shikanosuke was able to move with great endurance, evading the great majority of Masakazu's blows; and at a critical moment at which the Amago general was able to seize, he grappled Masakazu with one hand, and removed the tanto from his belt with the other, putting an end to the latter's life in a single blow. Masakazu thus died, his head displayed before the Mori army in an evidential showing of Shikanosuke's ability.

[edit] References

  1. Yamanaka Shikanosuke - SamuraiWiki. (Samurai Archives) FWSeal & CEWest, 2005