Shi Er Lü

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Shi Er Lü (Chinese: 十二, Pinyin: shí èr lǜ), literally translated as 12 pitches, sometimes named as Chinese chromatic scale [1].It is one kind of Chromatic scale used in ancient Music of China.

[edit] Note Names

黄钟 (Huang Zhong) - 大吕 (Da Lü) - 太簇 (Da Cu) - 夹钟 (Jia Zhong) - 姑洗 (Gu Xian) - 中吕 (Zhong Lü) - 蕤宾 (Rui Bin) - 林钟 (Lin Zhong) - 夷则 (Yi Ze) - 南吕 (Nan Lü) - 无射 (Wu Yi) - 应钟 (Ying Zhong), 12 for an Octave.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links