
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chickens are cool
Chickens are cool

[edit] Interests

§I like anything that deals with the medical field. It has always been interesting to me, and when I'm older, I hope to be a cardiovascular surgeon.

§I think chickens are cool =)

[edit] Future Dreams

§To become a mother

§To become a cardiovascular surgeon

[edit] About me

Name This user's name is Bob.
This user is female.
This user is of German ancestry.
pig-1 Isthay useryay isyay ableyay otay ontributecay ithway ayay asicbay evellay ofyay Igpay Atinlay.
This user is ambidextrous.
This user supports the fight against breast cancer.
es Este usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
This user does not smoke.