Sherbro Caulkers

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The Caulkers of Sherbro are an Afro-European clan of the region of Southern Sierra Leone and they ruled as chiefs in Shenge and Bonthe.


[edit] Slave Trade

In the 18th century the Caulkers began to get involved in the slave trade and became more powerful than the white slave traders. They began to employ the Mende people to work for them to find slaves to meet the growing demand for slaves.

[edit] 19th Century Caulker Dynasty

[edit] Caulkers today

The Caulkers are still a prominent family in Sierra Leone and have many historical intermarital ties with the Tuckers, Rogerses, and Clevelands. Most the evident ties with their European heritage have been severed and the Caulkers of today are thoroughly Africanised despite maintaining some European customs and ways of living. Today there is an oral or semi quasi testimony about the Caulkers family history and there is also a written testimony.

[edit] Prominent Caulkers

[edit] See also

[edit] Resources