Shear rate

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Shear rate is a measure of the rate of shear deformation:

\dot \gamma_{ij}=\frac {\partial v_i} {\partial x_j} + \frac{\partial v_j} {\partial x_i}

For the simple shear case, it is just a gradient of velocity in a flowing material. The SI unit of measurement for shear rate is sec-1, expressed as "reciprocal seconds" or "inverse seconds."[1]

For a Newtonian fluid wall Shear stress (τw) can be related to shear rate by \tau_{w} = {\dot \gamma_{x} \mu}, where μ is the Viscosity of the fluid. For Non-Newtonian fluids, there are different constitutive laws depending on the fluid, which relates the stress tensor to the shear rate tensor.

[edit] References
