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fi Tämä käyttäjä puhuu suomea äidinkielenään.

Hello, I am Heikki Orsila. I was born on 1978-02-01 in Tampere, Finland. I like beer, literature, music and programming. My home page is located at [1].


[edit] Educational background

I studied mathematics, physics and learning and intelligent systems at Tampere University of Technology from 1998/09 to 2004/06. I graduated from a Master's degree program with mathematics being my primary subject. My master's thesis was about support vector machines, see [2].

[edit] Work

I work at Tampere University of Technology since 2000-06, I'm currently in the DACI research group. In addition to research, the job also comes with a responsibility of teaching one or two courses each semester. I have been a postgraduate student since 2005-10.

[edit] Edited Wikipedia Pages

Sometimes I get an urge to edit wikipedia pages;) Some of the results are listed here:

[edit] Algorithms

[edit] Amiga

[edit] Books

[edit] Computing

[edit] Math

[edit] Other

[edit] TV series
