
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a brief attempt to give an accurate but relatively anonymous account of myself for the benefit of other Wikipedia contributors.

I am male and live in Europe with British English as my first language. I have a very wide range of interests which include what I would describe (hopefuly neither modestly nor arrogantly but simply accurately) as "expert" knowledge in selected fields, including several martial arts (I have senior instructor level qualifications), various forms of literature (I have an advanced degree in the subject), mythology (most especially Northern European myth), aspects of complimentary medicine (I partly work in this field profesionally) and a variety of esoteric practices.

Like any half way sensible person I freely admit I have my own views on various subjects, but I don't feel Wikipedia is the place that one should indulge in any avoidable personal bias, so most of my contributions are likely to be little more than tinkering with methods of expression, the correction of minor errors or ommisions and the like.

Best wishes