User:Shatilov Konstantin

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Energy pyramids
Energy pyramids
Clearing by fire inside a pyramid
Clearing by fire inside a pyramid
Energy beams of a pyramid in seal of Solomon
Energy beams of a pyramid in seal of Solomon



Complex of the energy healing pyramids [1] constructed of glass, metal, stone, ceramics, tree, amber and other materials [1].

[edit] Energy pyramids complex

The information on pyramids shape and details of a complex pyramids has been received by means of radiesthesia (a framework) and intuition or claircognizance. The results of researches in the field of energy medicine, that the pyramid shape can be applied in the medical purposes. In this work it is shown, how the physical matter may to influence on movement of the radio (the Spirit substance). And all it is carried out by means of pyramid shape. The photos of pyramids shape are presented[2]. The analysis and comparison pyramids shape for clearing Spirit substance is led.


Orgone energy is a term coined by Wilhelm Reich for the "universal life energy" which he claimed to have discovered in published experiments in the late 1930s. Reich claimed that orgone energy was a "life energy" which filled all space, was blue in color, and that certain forms of illness were the consequence of depletion or blockages of the energy within the body. For practical purposes and researches have been created orgone energy accumulators [2]

Researches of properties of energy and possibility of increase in capacity of orgone accumulators were spent Enel [3] (1883 – 1963). It has appeared, that the accumulator in the form of a pyramid most effectively accumulates orgone energy which has difficult structure. It has allocated some making (beams) of this energy. According to Enel beam Pi destroys tumoral cages and promotes drying of mummification of organisms. Beam Omega promotes preservation of products and well influences a human body. [4]

O. Höpfner carried out researches with glass pyramids of different colours and has confirmed, that this “orgone energy” most effectively is accumulated by accumulators in the form of a pyramid and it can be deduced from a pyramid by means of a copper cable. [5]

[edit] Bipyramid Sceptre

Bipyramid Sceptre
Bipyramid Sceptre

The basic materials of which the sceptre is made: aluminium, copper, iron, zinc, a brass, cupronickel, quartz, glass, lazurite, a nephrite, a jasper, corals, turquoise, amber, a cedar.

[edit] The Basic Results: Energy Pyramids and Karma Correction

  1. Are constructed: a complex of pyramids and model of energy structure of a body of the person on the basis of the information received by means of a framework and  channeling.
  2. The analysis and comparison of principles of work of some healers is carried out, techniques of self-healing, meditation, yoga, respiratory exercises and conditions of a place of their carrying out are defined.
  3. Salutary and energy (spirituality) influence of a complex of pyramids, the Temple is revealed and main principles of their work are considered.
  4. The structural structure energy (spirituality) YIN  - YANG  (qi) and their colour balance, and also a parity with  energy YIN  - YANG  (beams) of pyramids is defined. Graphic display of such structure and balance energy is presented to Seal of Solomon or Star of David.
  5. Technical devices which have shown possibility of effective influence of the physical form of a matter on the radio form of a matter are constructed, (energy structure of a body).
  6. Two basic approaches to healing are defined. One consists in diagnostics of illness (dirt) and purposeful influence on this illness. Other approach gives model energy (radio structure), energy on self-restoration of an organism and means for clearing (transformation, dirt decomposition) the radio form of a matter.
  7. Functions of a complex of pyramids which provide power feed of the patient or a group of persons, clearing and restoration of power structure of a body, and also clearing karma in an automatic mode, on a photo or data of the patient are defined.
  8. All it does not contradict physics laws, and only confirms, that at subnuclear level distinctions between the physical form and the radio form of a matter disappear and they co-operate. It is necessary to define only how to make this influence useful.

[edit] See olso

[edit] References

  1. ^ Pyramid-healing (Online Encyclopedia)
  2. ^ Die Entdeckung des Orgons - Band 2: Der Krebs, Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1974 (engl. orig. 1948)
  3. ^ Enel. Radiations des Formes et Cancer. – Paris, 1958. 98 p
  4. ^ Enel. Traitment a distance par radiations. – Paris, 1959. 116 p
  5. ^ Höpfner O. Einhandrdrute und Piramidenenergie. GmbH: Verlag “Die Silbershnur”,1989.