
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note: I'm slowly phasing out development of ShadowTool. It was fun in the beginning, but I believe my time is better spent fighting spam than vandalism. Feel free to contact me if you want to maintain it. Shadow1 (talk) 21:26, 22 March 2007 (UTC)


ShadowTool 1.0.0rc1 running on Ubuntu 6.10 with Firefox.
Developed by Alex Rowe
Preview release 1.0.0rc1 / January 2, 2007
OS Linux
Platform Perl
Genre Counter-vandal tool
License GPLv2
Website Sourceforge project page


[edit] Welcome

Welcome to the ShadowTool main page. ShadowTool is the project codename for an open-source anti-vandal tool for Wikipedia that will natively run on Linux. Right now the current developer is Shadow1, but if you know Perl and have some experience with regular expressions and GUI programming (In Perl/Tk), leave him a message to get more information. You can also head over to #Shadowtool on freenode for the official IRC channel.

[edit] Goal

ShadowTool aims to be a lightweight version of VandalProof or VandalSniper, and it currently is. The latest development version of ShadowTool is a simple window with a login area, a button to load the Recent Changes, a button to load the next edit into ShadowTool, a menu giving rollback options, and two small areas that list the current edits and the currently-loaded user's previous warnings. That's it. It's simple, yet powerful and fast.

[edit] Download

Note: This is beta software. Use at your own risk. The author assumes no responsibility for damages caused by the use of this program.

ShadowTool's current pre-release build can be found here.

You can subscribe to ShadowTool's RSS feed by adding this link to your RSS aggregator.

[edit] Roadmap

Version New features Status
1.0.0pre Initial beta release Released
1.0.0rc1 Rewrite in Gtk2-Perl Released
1.0.0rc2 Add an embedded browser window In development
1.0.0 First stable version

[edit] Requested features

Add any features you'd like to see in ShadowTool here. Be reasonable, it's not going to be exactly like VandalProof in a week.

[edit] Bugs

You can list bugs you've discovered here, but preferably leave them at the bug tracker on SourceForge.

  • Fails to parse articles with commas in the titles — Will be fixed in release 1.0.0rc2

[edit] Beta Testers

Put your name here if you'd like to be a ShadowTool beta-tester.

[edit] System Requirements

  • Perl 5.8 or later
  • Linux

Perl modules:

  • LWP::UserAgent
  • WWW::Mechanize

[edit] Technical Stuff

ShadowTool is written in Perl, using the Gtk2-Perl GUI toolkit. It grabs the Recent Changes from api.php, and uses code from the Perlwikipedia framework and related modules for accessing Wikipedia. Also, it uses Firefox to display diffs (But not for long). Any other questions can be directed at /FAQ.