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Notice This template is being discussed at Wikipedia:WikiProject Shakespeare as a proposed solution to the issue of properly citing Shakespearean plays.


[edit] Use

This {{Shakecite|''Play code''|''Version code''|''Act''|''Scene''}}

Displays as

Play code Act.Scene Version

[edit] Version codes

Version codes

  • M = Modern
  • F1 = First Folio
  • Q1 = Quarto 1
  • Q2 = Quarto 2

[edit] Play codes

Play codes are as follows:

Henry VI, Part 2 = 2H6

Henry VI, Part 3 = 3H6

Richard III = R3

The Merry Wives of Windsor = Wiv

Henry the Fifth = H5

Troilus and Cressida = Tro

King Lear = Lr

Hamlet = Ham

Othello = Oth

Richard II = R2

Henry IV, Part 2 = 2H4

Titus Andronicus = Tit

Love's Labor's Lost = LLL

A Midsummer Night's Dream = MND

Henry IV, Part 1 = 1H4

The Merchant of Venice = MV

Much Ado About Nothing = Ado

Henry VI, Part 1 = 1H6

The Comedy of Errors = Err

The Taming of the Shrew = Shr

The Two Gentlemen of Verona = TGV

King John = Jn

Julius Caesar = JC

As You Like It = AYL

Twelfth Night = TN

Macbeth = Mac

Measure for Measure = MM

All's Well That Ends Well = AWW

Antony and Cleopatra = Ant

Timon of Athens = Tim

Coriolanus = Cor

Cymbeline = Cym

The Winter's Tale = WT

The Tempest = Tmp

Henry the Eighth = H8

Romeo and Juliet = Rom

Pericles = Per

The Two Noble Kinsmen = TNK

Edward III = Edw

[edit] Acts, Scenes, and Prologues

Use numbers (1-9) for acts and scenes (not Roman numerals). For Prologues, leave Act and Scene blank.