Talk:Shadow the Hedgehog (video game)/Archive 1

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Archive This is an archive of past discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page.


Before Release

Hm... looks like my unlinking of the "remains to be seen text" got reverted. Look, I'm not gonna edit war with you though I didn't think the unlinking was worth a revert, but take a look at Wikipedia:Make_only_links_relevant_to_the_context. I'm not sure what you mean by referring to Haunted Apiary, but I won't knock whatever floats your boat. --Jtalledo (talk) 14:58, 27 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Winter where? Rumour has it that not all countries have their seasons playing at the same time. Go figure. - Vague | Rant 08:59, May 9, 2005 (UTC)

I think it means December Sonic Mew 15:11, May 18, 2005 (UTC)

I think we should wait until we get some more story info before we add a section talking about the other characters in the game; otherwise it's nothing but a list off all the major Sonic characters. Once we know more, we can add them to the section with info relating to their role in this specific game. -- VederJuda 16:14, 26 August 2005 (UTC)


Hey, Guys, Shadow the Hedgehog has a E10+, why does the page say T? It's only rated E10+ because it has cartoon violence and mild language. --TwilightLink 02:35, 20 September 2005 (UTC)

Once again, it's listed as T because that's what the ESRB lists it as. Frankly, between the two, I'm more inclined to believe the people who rated the game than the people trying to sell the game, at least until a definite answer is decided on - which there isn't, right now. --Shadow Hog 04:06, 20 September 2005 (UTC)
Seems it looks like the ESRB changed thier minds. --Admiral Roo 04:12, 6 October 2005 (UTC)
Already noted. *points to latest edit* --Shadow Hog 04:51, 6 October 2005 (UTC)


UPDATES, UPDATES,UPDATES i got a picture of the GC VERSION time to update ><ino 12:01, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

Voice Controversy what the hell is that? we don't need that crap there ><ino 12:34, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

It's not hurting anyting. And please, lose the attitude. --Shadow Hog 04:51, 6 October 2005 (UTC)

Alright Alright, ok, Voice Controversy that doesn't need to be there, no one needs to know anything about that, i am angry becuase when people edit articles they just pack in information that are usless or not that important. what attitude, you want me to be calling you dude? and what do you mean by hurting anything? I was just doing some updates, what are you doing?><ino 08:18, 6 October 2005 (UTC)

Alirght! i did some more editing in the Characters section, put some details in the Dooms eye, Black arm and G.U.N, the problem is, i am not sure about the G.U.N the person that edited the G.U.N Commander, i am not sure there is a commander becuase it has been comfirmed(said) that its called G.U.N Federation Troops. so i changed the name, just to let you know:D

There is one, he's on the official Shadow page, in the official Shadow trailer, and in the UNofficial leaked playthrough of the Neutral missions. He's definitely there. I'll put him back in in a bit. --Shadow Hog 01:29, 8 October 2005 (UTC)
do you mean G.U.N Commander or Federation troops, because the person i see is some man in blue suit><ino 05:16, 8 October 2005 (UTC)
Commander. Pics:
I think you're thinking of the President, shown here:
--Shadow Hog 19:18, 8 October 2005 (UTC)

yea thats the guy i am talking about, the Commander :D><ino

i am going to remove ther external link : Planet Gamecube...because the link is broken AKA not working "Error Occurred While Processing Request "

  • what is the different between Game Features and GamePly cuz they both are the same to me

so there is no point of it there:D ><ino 16:30, 14 October 2005 (UTC)

GREAT JOB PEOPLE nice work on editing this article, i couldn't have done it alone, thanks for contributin ( i did most of the works) joking:D ><ino 12:12, 17 October 2005 (UTC)

The group here has been doing better at keeping up to date than any other StH site I've found. I've been getting all my information on Shadow here - keep it up! Alex 05:55, 18 October 2005 (UTC)

Question - according to the Shadow the Hedgehog article, Shadow was created on Space Colony ARK. Is this true, and if so, should it be noted in the Story section? Alex 07:47, 29 October 2005 (UTC)

Official Title Song Lyrics

I know the title of the soundtrack is "I Am All Of Me" by Crush 40. That much I have assertained by searching on Google. What I can't find is the lyrics of the song (thier are a lot of diffrent views on the lyrics, and I can't find find the right set of lyrics, and the official homepage of Crush 40 does not provide it). I have done hours of searching with no results. Can anyone provide them for me? this is what I have come up with so far:

I see but fear no evil??? Black fighting is on the wall??? Unleashed a million faces And one by one they fall

Black hearted evil Brave hearted hero I am all I am all I am

I am I am

Here we go buddy Here we go buddy Here we go Here we go buddy Here we go

Go ahead and try to see through me Do it if you dare One step forward two steps back now I’m here???

Do it, Do it, Do it, Do it

Can you see all of me Walk into my mystery??? Step inside all that you would like???

Do you remember me Capture you will set you free??? I am all I am all of me

I am (I am I am all of me) I am (I am I am all of me) I am (I am I am all of me) I am (I am I am all of me)

Here we go (I am I am all of me)


The Lyrics I hear are:

I fear no, I hear no evil, Black writing's on the wall, Unleash a million faces, and one-by-one they fall.

Black-hearted evil, Brave-hearted hero, I am all I am all I am.

(Here we go, buddy Here we go, buddy Here we go... Here we go, buddy Here we go...)

Go ahead and try to see through me, Do it if you dare (you dare), One step forward, two steps back, I'm... here.

(One step forward two steps back)

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

Can you see all of me? Walk into my mystery, Step inside and hold on for dear life.

Do you remember me? Captured you and set you free, I am all, I am all of me!

(I am, I am all of me!)

I am... (I am all of me!) I am... (I am all of me!) I am... (I am all of me!) (Here we go, here we go) I am... (I am all of me!) (Here we go)

I am, I am all of me. BlazeHedgehog 16:35, 20 October 2005 (UTC)

Thank you.  :) --Admiral Roo 17:07, 20 October 2005 (UTC)

hmmm... how late i knew about this a week ago:D ><ino 17:39, 20 October 2005 (UTC)

Hmm, I hear it more like this:
I see no, hear no evil,
Black writings on the wall,
Unleash a million faces,
And one by one they fall
Blackhearted evil,
Bravehearted hero,
I am all, I am all I am...
I (I) (I), I am
Nobody, nobody, no, nobody knows...
Go ahead and try and see through me
Do it if you dare
One step forward, two step back, I was there
Do it, do it, do it, do it!
Can you see all of me, walk into my mystery,
Step inside and hold on for dear life,
Do you remember me? Capture you and set you free,
I am all, I am all of me
And then the repeating "I Am, I am all of me"s. --Guess Who 21:57, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

Differences Between Other Sonic Games

  • Manuover on air while shooting
  • Chaos Emeralds will be used through out the game and was never used more than this in other Sonic's Title

who ever keeps canceling that should stop, and they should!

because when shadow shoots he manovers, in defination, when he shoots,he jumps up, and balance on air, which is related, just like Devil May Cry Franchise
Chaos Emeralds, YES this were nevere used mre like this, in other Sonic games, the only thing you can do is just collect emralds, which is the subjective of the mission.

You can't use the chaose Emeralds, only you see it in the FMV, or Cutscenes

BUT in Shadow the Hedgehog, in other to do Chaos Blast and Chaos Control, it can be be done by Shadow using the Chaos Emrald, or just one.

Also when Shadow turns blue, it means he is in Hyper Mode, not Super Mode Hyper SO ALL THIS CAN BE DONE BY 1 EMERALD. And if you don't believe me, i saw a Gameplay footage, when Shadow was going with Sonic, they both approached a Chaos Emerald, and Sonic told him he can use it to unlock his powers >x<ino 17:46, 25 October 2005 (UTC)

Frankly, you should stop adding it. Devil May Cry has no place in a section about comparisons with the Sonic series, and the Chaos Emerald line is just so horribly phrased, it's nigh impossible to tell what it's saying. Truth is, though, the games have ALWAYS boiled down to wars over the Chaos Emeralds, so plotwise this has been done before, and the Chaos powers are already mentioned in the section. --Shadow Hog 21:55, 27 October 2005 (UTC)
First, i have stop putting the Devil May Cry thing AKA manover. Second you are using a kids excuss on the chaos quote, that it is poorly phrashed!? Are you dumb, Wikipedia, isn't some kind of a book people will enjoy. Wikipedia is just some collection of information, explaining, describing what a data is. In your own world, you turn wikipedai to some kind of English thing, if i use the "Chaos Emeralds will be used more then other Sonic Titles" you want me to turn it into a big phrased, with big words like "Choas Emeralds has always been used in other Sonic Titles but will be used even further in this Title" or do you want me to add "Cliche" to it!?. You forgot people that English isn't their first language, it will be hard for them to understand, and also people that are not familar with big words like "Simile, Metaphor, Allieration ect". Even if it is horrible phrased, you have the right to be BOLD, and correct it.
I won't bother adding it anymore, since you said the chaos power has been mention, but i deleted the "Shadow can punch and kick when unarm" that has been used in other Sonic Titles, Shadow can kick in Sonic Adventure 2/Battle 2, and also Sonic Heroes, He can do other moves.
>x<ino 15:12, 28 October 2005 (UTC)
I've asked you several times to lose the attitude and stop insulting people. If you're unable to actually do that, then I will be reporting you.
As for what I'd said, claiming that I cannot interpret what you said is not a "kid's excuse". Contrary to what you're saying, Wikipedia is a book of sorts - an encyclopedia, to be specific, and an electronic one at that. If there's something that's horribly phrased, then the message intended can't get across, and that's no good at all. I'm understanding that English isn't your first language - that's fine and all, and I could fix it up. The problem is, it's not true or is redundant, so why bother? I'd rather be bold in removing it than be bold in keeping it there. --Shadow Hog 18:37, 28 October 2005 (UTC)

  • Lose the attitude? and you should claim down with the way you think you know everything
  • Insulting, tell me how i insult you?, do you even know the meaning of insulting? check wiki my freind
  • Report and what army?
  • You explained what Wikipedia is... i aslo did has well.. There you go again..acting has if you know it all
  • Yes if something is horrible phrased it get be understand! So the one i did, how is it horrible pharsed? how come you understand it?
  • English isn't my first language!? now that is an insult, saying things you don't fully understand, and you saying you will report me!?
  • Even if english isn't my first language why am i here? if my phrase i did on Differences between other Sonic titles, if that phrase was horrible why am i here?
  • And how can you fix it up?
  • You will be bold removing it!? you my friend is an bad example of encouragement!

If you want to correct someone of something, you have to leave that mistake there and you put your answer at the side, not removing it, How will that person learn? how will he be able to know the differences? >x<ino 23:40, 28 October 2005 (UTC)

Whoa, dude, chill. That is a perfect example of the "attitude" Shadow Hog was talking about. Now, on to business. First off, there is no need for an "army" to report you. A moderator just needs to be informed, and they will investigate. Second, here is what you were using: "Chaos Emeralds will be used through out the game and was never used more than this in other Sonic's Title". That is very poorly phrased. A better way of putting that would be "The Chaos Emeralds play a major role in this upcoming game, moreso than in any of the previous Sonic games.". Wikipedia is meant to be a wonderful source of information, and to be wonderful, it needs proper grammar. Proper capitalization, punctuation, and general grammar rules need to be applied so as to get the point across clearly and easily. Also, I'd like to point out that "pharsed" is not a word.
You need to clean up your grammar to be a good Wikipedian, I think. For instance:
"You will be bold removing it!? you my friend is an bad example of encouragement!"
That is TERRIBLE grammar. A better phrasing would have been "It is "being bold" by removing my information? My friend, you (considering "bad example of encouragement" makes no sense, I leave that open)". --Guess Who 22:10, 30 October 2005 (UTC)
  • Attitude of what?Do you know what an ATTITUDE i will clear it out for you because it means different things, and if you havn't got experince for it? you won't know IS?, so you are saying when some one is owning me/ boyding me i should keep my mouth shut!? (fight for your rigth, fight for you self) DON'T LET PEOPLE PUSH YOU AROUND!
  • Army to report me? and what does a moderator needs to investigate, it seems Shadow is the one that has a porblem, and if he does he need's to sort it out! not on me
  • OK, you phrased the qoute, now that is a great example, that is what shadow need's to do, not removing it acting has if he knows it all.
    • I found out, a guest came in this article did some editing, by putting same thing, but not the same grammar, Shadow deleted it saying it was used in all Sonic's Title (AKA emeralds).
    • Now i found out chaos control will be used more than expected, some fool deleted it again, i stated why that quote should be there, i even give an big fat @ss example, Shadow came in again deleted it, later he read the Talk page which i posted, and used the most ridiculous excuss about me not phrasing it well!? That is kids stuff,
    • You know if you read an article, if there are mistakes, you have the right to be BOLD and correct it, not acting has if you know all and deleting it. Shadow deleted the qoute because he though he was right, and using excuss about phrasing
  • Yes wikipedia does need to be wonderful, but who worships wikipedia? like i stated before, if the words are too strong, not many people will understand them, why do you think it has different langauge?
  • I need to clean up my grammar!? is that so... why am i here? if i need to clean it up, members in here will have lots of complaint about it
  • When i am in a talk page or forum or any other place that isn't important, i don't have to use special grammar, because it doesn't pay, you won't get a reward on them, complain all you want i know when to use real grammar!
  • If you also got a porblem about me, form an army, and tell the admin/mod and get me banned if that will make you win a fight.

I don't have time for fools that need argument(fools that act like lil kids) >x<ino 23:16, 30 October 2005 (UTC)

Since arguing with you will not dent your stubborn outer shell, I won't. I will say this though: chill out. Someone correcting your grammar is not a personal threat or insult, it is just cleaning up the site.
Oh, and there ARE people griping about your grammar. This talk page is a perfect example of that. --Guess Who 02:04, 31 October 2005 (UTC)

And who are you to judge!? Since arguing with me!? i don't really care, ever damn forum anywhere based interent, there is always a damned moron willing to aruge. Yes i do know correcting grammar isn't a problem or threat, but what i am saying is Shadow thinking he knows all about Sonic Franchise, i explained why that quote should be there, he says it doesn't need correcting and phrasing is bad! And which you are saying when something is phrased wrong it should be correct.

And who are the fools griping about my grammar? The fools that complain about my grammar are uselss kids in forum, that got nothing in there life to post about other than brag about fan of this and that!. This talk page?
  • Like i said...bring a army/form one, and go and report the admin/mod like a lil baby about my grammar and attitude.
  • I don't have time for fools like you, you are just wasting every sec of my life
  • Gather ever body in the world that has a problem about grammar

>x<ino 16:27, 31 October 2005 (UTC)

14 days to go sukers!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D >x<ino 17:17, 1 November 2005 (UTC)

Chill out, man. Sorry if it offends you, but it is true. To convey a message the right way, you have to have good grammar. And if someone tries to help you or give you advise, take it, man. The only way you can perfect your writing skills. PSI 02:42, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

Connection to the Archie Comics?

I just remembered something, in the Archie comics, Shadow survived after SA2 because he was picked up and revived by an alien race, The Bem; now we have another alien race making claims that they had a deal with Shadow for the Chaos Emeralds. That'd be some coincidence if the Black Arms saved Shadow in a similar fashion and sent him back to Earth to recover the Chaos Emeralds for them, which he forgot in Sonic Heroes. -- VederJuda 18:24, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

Personally speaking, I largely consider the Echidna Civilization yarn in Sonic Adventure 1 to be influenced (even just a little bit) by Archie's own Knuckles backstory about ancient echidna civilization. However, the Black Arms motives are not yet revealed; Let's not count our chickens before they hatch. The Bem, as I recall, were not a terribly hostile species (although admittedly my memory is not very good), wereas the Black Arms clearly are. BlazeHedgehog 19:39, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

You're right, the Bem were not hostile, but my point was that I'd find it somewhat unnerving for both Archie and Sega to use the "alien interference" excuse; it was bad enough when Archie did it. On a side note, it seems that the only reason Shadow had amnesia was so that Sega didn't have to explain how he survived right away, until they could come up with something; I'm expecting that this is what they came up with. -- VederJuda 19:53, 2 November 2005 (UTC)
I don't know. I don't want to spoil anything, but knowing most of the plot for the game's neutral storyline, I honestly think Shadow was in planning long before Sonic Heroes was released; I won't say any more than that. As long as they handle Shadow and the aliens tactfully, I won't mind. BlazeHedgehog 03:56, 4 November 2005 (UTC)
So Sonic Heroes was meant to re-introduce Shadow, and deliberately leave a huge hole in his story so that fans would clamour for the next game (starring Shadow) to find out who or what he is? Please do not answer, I'm just rattling off a theory, and I don't want you spoiling anything about the game; I don't even want to know how you found out what ever you know about the neutral storyline. -- VederJuda 12:00, 4 November 2005 (UTC)

Yea, i also read the comic, i though Sega did get the idea from that issue. But Sonic Heroes doesn't really count in Sonic Franchise and series, (IAW 3d sonic). Because article says Shadow died in SA2 and Shadow is a clone in Heroes. Heroes is different just another faky sonic series just to play in group >x<ino 01:27, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

What's wrong with the story in Sonic Heroes? Aside from the lack of any real info on Shadow. The game didn't explicitly say what Shadow is and left it open to interpretation—or that's how I interpreted it. -- VederJuda 01:41, 3 November 2005 (UTC)

nothing is worng with the storyline, but just different from Sonic Franchise, i havn't actually played it but... Shadow was/is a clone...which spoils and confuses with Sonic Adventure 2 ending. >x<ino 01:52, 3 November 2005 (UTC)


who ever added the Lyrics i am deleting it, it's making the article look stupid and untidy >x<ino 20:06, 6 November 2005 (UTC)

BEAT SPACE NINE is being re-done. I hope more on this will be available once the game is released. Lord Falcon 02:16, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

Early Release?

I've been hearing that the game is being released early in Canada; has anyone heard this, or seen it for sale? -- VederJuda 13:39, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

i don't know but, the release dates are different

"Availability: This item will be released on November 14, 2005. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives. from Toys"R"Us "
  • Platform: Xbox

Release Date: Nov 15, 2005 Release Region: North America

  • Platform: Xbox

Release Date: Dec 15, 2005 Release Region: Japan

  • Platform: Xbox

Release Date: Nov 18, 2005 Release Region: Europe

so... those are just excited Canadians, spreading rumours >x<ino 16:54, 7 November 2005 (UTC)


Is thier a demo of the game that I can download from the net? --Admiral Roo 13:51, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

No, because there isn't a PC version. Given Sega's track record, if you WANT a PC version, wait a year.
In fact, there isn't even a demo version for the consoles... that I've seen thus far. --Shadow Hog 14:14, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

that's right fool, if there is a demo for it, then the game should come out on PC. There should be a demo for it on console, ...that's if you attended E3 and they contribute it to you, or you played it there >x<ino 16:48, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

Sub Articles

Alright, i got some updates on this articles, it's about the Weapons, the weapon shadow will be using

I was thinking of making a mini article to put the weapons on just like the mini article about the Black Arms, it will include, Explosives that shadow can use, Weapons he can use and Vehincles he can also use to help him self
Also looking at this articles, i read the section "Stages", i was thinking why don't we all make a sub article based on Sonic The Hedgehog franchise stages, like the article will be about sonic games, and it's stages, surly the customers and people that love reading wiki article will want to know Sonic Stages. We can also include Shadow's stage.

What do you think?<pbreak> It will be like this

  • Sonic Adventure
    • Stage one: can't remeber the first stage (an example)
    • Stage Two: Jungle: get to the other side of the Jungle
    • Boss: Egg Man: defeat eggman
  • Shadow The Hedgehog
    • Stage one: Westopolis: Dark Mission will be to defeat 20 GUN, Light Mission will be to Defeat 30 Aliens and Neural get the emralds

What do you think? >x<ino 03:44, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

i made the Shadow Weapons, but the problem is the name Shadow The Hedgehog (Game Features), i didn't know what to call it, pretty hard, anyways, i listed the weapons and vehicles avaible, can some one change the name to something similar to the weapons and vehicles. Because mine kind of sounds similar to the gameplay, and the gameplay is already there in the main article >x<ino 04:33, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

You did OK Xino, but I proofread and moved the page accordingly to fit conventions. You did a good job with getting the raw info on the page. New link is Shadow the Hedgehog (video game features). Alex 05:50, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

Hey thanks:D Now that is cleared out

About the Stage Article...should that be done, need!?

>x<ino 07:07, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

Should be fine as part of the main article. I'll imagine once the game comes out, the features article you wrote will be consolidated into the main article. Have you thought about creating a website of your own about StH? You could add a *lot* of content from what you've been putting into here... Alex 07:41, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

Oh my Gawd!

I think they changed the cover of the game!!! Look here!! It's, like, 10 times more awesome!


lol, that was funny

but it is crap, did you made it, the Sega logo looks good

>x<ino 10:54, 9 November 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, I made it. Well, my friend made the actual picture of Shadow, I just added the Boxart stuff, heh. It's one of those things that's bad on purpose. ;) "look out fer sadhow teh hedhog coeming soon too nintondo gaemcoob."--Bottles98 18:46, 9 November 2005 (UTC)


nah men, i rate that picture 8/10, exactly the same has the box game package

Good work boys:D

by the way


>x<ino 08:48, 10 November 2005 (UTC)

What I wanna see is how G4TV's X-Play is going to rate it, heh. Should be interesting. Oh, and PRAISE THE LORD ONLY FOUR DAYS!--Bottles98 07:32, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

after playing Sonic Heroes, people and children complained that game was too hard

and i found that game awesome, its like a Action Adventure
the other sonic titles were Adventure and Platformer
This game will be sick, me can't wait, trust me it will get good rating!

by the way 3 days to go! >x<ino 15:16, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

I recall more complaining about lack of polish more than difficulty... --Shadow Hog 15:32, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

lol, yop it was diffcult, i think Team Rose is for you:D, those fools are damn funny Sonic Team was normal for me, Shadow was ....:D twice harder Team Chaotix was nothing.

Finished all 3 storys accept Shadow, time to continue with it
The game wasn't that hard, it depends on the kind of way you play it,
on my way to college, i was playing Sonic's stage, Egg Fleet, i didn't struggle on it, but kept losing at that Big Head that fires that beam and you reach the end, but didn't had enough Lives
When i got home, BAME! i got x7 lives, and finished it in one go, didnt lose any life and i got A!:D

>x<ino 18:24, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

"i think Team Rose is for you:D"
What are you trying to imply with that? That I'm a bad player or something? --Shadow Hog 19:53, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

I am sorry if you got offended by that,

but still Team rose, lol they are funny:D
no you are not a bad player:)

>x<ino 21:32, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

1 day to go! YAY! But I won't be getting it until the 18th-24th! Because I had to preorder from WalMart! BOO! Oh well.--Bottles98 04:38, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

same here, have to save money for ps3, i might get it has preowned or £20:D

hey at least the game will be out, more infor on our freind
good news, i finished the damn @ss game!, completed all stories in Sonic Heores, but those fools SEGA and SONIC TEAM, annoyed me yesterday
after you completed all story it suppose to trigger the last, hidden and final story, it did which was the Metal Sonic, it showed the picture. but says...
collect all 7 emeralds, THAT SUCKS!

>x<ino 15:20, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

anyone tried shadow mini game, just like the real game. SICK! clickie >x<ino 16:47, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

X Button? For which console?

Pressing the X Button while atop a Save Point will teleport you to other Save Points you've touched.

Yeah, rumour has it that the X button on the Xbox generally does not equate to the Gamecube and PS2's X buttons in terms of Sonic games.

Seriously though, this is as bad as saying "The X button is the jump button", although that example is a bit more obvious as to which console it's referring to - the PS2. I'm guessing the quoted sentence means the Gamecube, but I can't just guess here.

Most of you can get the game tommorow. I have to wait another 4 days so you guys fix it ;P--Cyberdude93 19:57, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

maybe the Z button for Cube will be to teleport >x<ino 20:33, 14 November 2005 (UTC)

Nah, it's X for the GameCube. I have no idea about other versions. 17:55, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

Well, Shadow, your game is finally out...'ve finally left boyhood and become a man. All those bodily changes you were so confused about are starting to make sense. And...

Oh, wait. Was I supposed to be talking about Shadow? Ooops. (runs off)--Bottles98 22:39, 15 November 2005 (UTC)

lol, fool:D >x<ino 01:48, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

I get the game tommorow. It ships today (I have a short day tommorow, so I can go get it right after my prior thing) I can't wait, but the thing that I don't like is the using of Sonic X voices...I liked the voice of Shadow from SA2, he fit very well to Shadow. PSI 02:48, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

yes that right PEOPLE. Onces you have purchased the game, it is your duty to add more to this article, i will be collecting this game pretty late.

You are right about the voices, BUT!
I was waiting so badly to hear Shadow's voice in SA2, i though his voice will sound like Knuckles.
When i heard it, i was like,..., his voice sounded
  • Lazy
  • Gay
  • LaidBack
  • Tired

But while playing through all stages, i kinda liked him, especially Fina Battle, "the war isn't over, i will show you the true powers of chaos control!" that part was excellent for me thank you!

I didn't like his voice in Sonic x, seems to harden,
his voice should be like Espio
his voice should be a little harden if it was with SA2's voice

In Sonic Heroes, playing to Egg Fleet, starting of the level, Shadow said, "I feel uneasy..Time to Attack!" that sounded just like SA2's voice. It will be cool it if was just like that >x<ino 10:52, 16 November 2005 (UTC)

I thought his voice fit in SA2, only in some parts did it sound "gay", but he made up for it in overall coolness. well, I played the game, got 2 endings (Eggman telling shadow a secret, doom telling shadow a secret, the secret is the same thing, worded for the speaker)So far I'm in the middle, the new voice seems to fit, but doesn't at the same time. Especially one part when he asked the doc something, he sounded whiney. Overall, I still could play it if it wansn't for the one hour rule. PSI 01:54, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

lol whiney >x<ino 02:23, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

The words where; "Doctor....I need to I?" but he said it in a whiney, half crying sounding voice, haha. PSI 17:52, 17 November 2005 (UTC)


Hey, guys, I changed a couple of things (hehe) Some stages that I've seen had the wrong tag partner in the decription, I fixed that, but just in case, could you guys check my grammar and my corrections? As well as in the differences topic, I changed the fact that Hero had infinate ammo and Dark had invincibility, both have inf ammo and invincibility, only differenct is chaos control and chaos blast. Ill keep on checking the missions as I go by. Great game, got 2 endings already, and as to not spoil the game, I won't say here. I will say this, don't trust the first thing you hear about Shadow in the game. :P Anyway, please tell me if I misspelled anything, or if I posted any incorrect info. PSI 01:53, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

great, don't worry we will check on it, play the game well and improve this article >x<ino 02:22, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

At school, but I just wanted to say this, holy sh(bleep)! The story is very complicated for me right now, I dont know whats true and whats not. Once I get home, I'll fix some more stuff. PSI 17:53, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

lol that is because you are a fool!,

you have to stick to one story, finish the dark side first, then move on to hero side
you are one of those fools who try and finish a game in one day...:D
no wonder why you got confused

>x<ino 21:17, 17 November 2005 (UTC)

OI! hey while you are at it, their is an article you missed out,

Shadow the Hedgehog (video game features) it's about the game features, like the type of weapons and vehicles, are the only one that has played it, so you must put some details in:D

happy editing

I almost frogot

all the enemies you fought, and info about the black arms

keep notes of them

put them in this article Black Arms

>x<ino 11:19, 18 November 2005 (UTC)

Ok, but I aint no fool, haha. I didn't want to pass it in one day, whats the point of it? PSI 00:42, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

Bragging rights. The ability to spoil the game for everybody willing to have the game spoiled for them *coughmecough*. The ability to accurately gauge just how worth $50 the game was. Getting back to other games in your large gaming rush before the Xbox 360 launch (maybe). I'd say there'd be point to it. --Shadow Hog 01:01, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

true he can spoil the game for us

$50, f@k that, i an't paying for that, that is why i am only buying it for cheap
360 rush? yea i was gonna get that sick thing before, because of the sweet pad and dashboard, also for franchise like DOA series

but i decided to get ps3 >x<ino 13:50, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

Wait, so you WANT me to spoil this awesome game for you? Map every twist and turn for you, instead of you getting as confused as I was and playing the game? If I were you, I would more likely want to experience the story instead of getting it told to me, hehe. Anyway, I'll update the stuff maybe today. PSI 21:42, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

I don't want to waste the money (try before you buy, you see, and I've not had the chance to try), so yeah, pretty much. Then again, I already got Last Story spoilers off of GameFAQs and The GHZ, so there can't be much more to spoil. :P --Shadow Hog 00:57, 20 November 2005 (UTC)

nah i don't do that, if i don't like a game i return it

i definalty know this game will rock, that is why i have been contributing to this article

>x<ino 02:51, 20 November 2005 (UTC)

"*You can unlock special weapons by unlocking various story paths in the game, which can be picked up from the Shadow Crates (the ones that sport an image of Shadow's head). One example is the "Vacuum Egg", which seems to be a passing reference (in appearance) to the SEGA/SonicTeam game "Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg". "


"*Language, Characters say "Damn" and "Hell" at some points of the game."

"*Shadow can run on walls before falling off after performing the Triangle Jump."

i will delete this quotes...why? because
  • the first one: is talking about the game play and features, it suppose to be about differences, in other sonic titles no character uses any gun.
  • The second one, some character say damn in other sonic titles, dr robonik said it.

Anyway even if any character hasn't said that word, it means nothing,

  • The last one, the wall jump has been performed in Sonic Heroes, i onces though my self that was a new move, after playing Sonic Heroes i found out it wasn't new


But the triangle jump run is new, In sonic heroes, you could not run a short distance PSI 19:56, 22 November 2005 (UTC)


Hey, is there somewhere that I can download the vocal songs from the game? I like some of them. PSI 20:00, 22 November 2005 (UTC)

use this

The Shadow Realm
i like Westropolis better:P

>x<ino 23:51, 22 November 2005 (UTC)

I like westropolis too, where can I get that? PSI 19:50, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

Am I the only one who thinks...

...they should go back to the SA2/SA2B graphic style? In my opinion, SA2B is the best-looking of the 3D Sonic games, and I think they should use that style again, rather than the SH-type graphics.-- 21:19, 24 November 2005 (UTC)

I wouldn't know, but I think they should move on entirely. SA2's graphics today would be utterly unacceptable rather soon; it's just too outdated. We already have games like God of War or Half-Life 2 (PS2 and PC/Xbox, respectively) that completely blow their competition out of the water; why can't the Sonic series do the same thing? It's not like they have to be realistic to do it, just have a whole lot more attention to detail, and ditch the stupid shininess they've taken on since Heroes (since when do furry characters look like plastic?)... --Shadow Hog 21:33, 24 November 2005 (UTC)

Yea my User fool friend, is right a lil bit

SA2/B2 Graphics, was cool,the character details seems like it's made from cardboard or something. But Heroes graphics was like plastic made.

Yes Shadow Hog is right, they should move on to next graphics, that is why i can't wait for Sonic Next/Sonic Next Gen/Sonic The Hedgehog >x<ino 01:08, 25 November 2005 (UTC)

I liked the SA2 models too, and I think they should go back to them, but I doubt they will. The thing I don't like of the new graphics is that they look small, the other models made them look almost normal. PSI 19:52, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

I Am (All I Am)

Is the song's title actually just "I Am"? Because in the credits of Shadow the Hedgehog, it just says, "I Am". In the sound test, it also just says, "I Am." Although the credits in the Last Story in the game says, "I Am (All I Am)", the other two do not. So is it actually just "I Am", or "I Am (All I Am)"? --anon

The song, per the article, is "I Am (All of Me)", by Crush 40. Alex 04:27, 27 November 2005 (UTC)

Huh? But what about what the game says? --anon