Shamil Basayev

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Shamil Salmanovich Basayev
(Russian: Шамиль Салманович Басаев)
1965 - 2006

Shamil Basayev speaks on a transmitter 11 August 1999 in the mountains in Dagestan's Botlikh region
Nickname Abdallah Shamil Abu-Idris
Place of birth Dyshne-Vedeno, Chechnya
Place of death Ekazhevo, Ingushetia
Battles/wars Georgian-Abkhazian conflict
Nagorno-Karabakh War
First Chechen War
Dagestan War
Second Chechen War

Shamil Salmanovich Basayev (Russian: Шамиль Салманович Басаев) (January 14, 1965July 10, 2006) was a militant Islamist and a leader of the Chechen separatist movement.

Starting as a field commander in the Transcaucasus, Basayev led guerrilla campaigns against the Russian troops for years as well as launching mass-hostage takings of civilians with his goal being the withdrawal of Russian soldiers from Chechnya.[1] Beginning in 2003, Basayev used the nom de guerre and title of Emir Abdallah Shamil Abu-Idris.

Basayev was considered by some as the undisputed leader of the radical wing of the Chechen insurgency against the presence of Russian federal security forces, and the rule of the pro-Moscow local government in Chechnya, considered a foreign occupation by the separatists. He was responsible for numerous guerrilla attacks on security forces in and around Chechnya as well as terrorist attacks on civilians, because of which he is widely considered to have been a terrorist. His reign of terror came to an end after separatist leaders persuaded him not to carry out anymore terrorist attacks.[2][3][4]

Basayev was killed by an explosion on July 10, 2006. Controversy still surrounds who is responsible for his death, with the Russians claiming he was assassinated by the FSB, Chechens claiming he died in an accidental explosion, and other sources claiming a rival insurgent group assassinated him.


[edit] Early life

Shamil Basayev was born in the village of Dyshne-Vedeno, near Vedeno, in south-eastern Chechnya to Chechen parents from the Benoy teip. According to Gennady Troshev he has some distant Russian ancestry .[5] He was named after Imam Shamil, the third imam of Dagestan and Chechnya and the last leader of anti-Russian Avar-Chechen forces in the Caucasian War.

His family is said to have had a long history of involvement in Chechen resistance to Russian rule. His grandfather fought for the abortive attempt to create a breakaway North Caucasian Emirate after the Russian Revolution.[6] The Basayevs, along with most of the rest of the Chechen population, were deported to Kazakhstan during World War II on the orders of the NKVD leader Lavrenti Beria as a means of cutting off support to the 1940-1944 Chechnya insurgency. They were only allowed to return when the deportation order was lifted by Nikita Khrushchev in 1957.

Basayev, an avid football player, graduated from school in Dyshne-Vedeno in 1982, aged 17, and spent the next two years in the Soviet military serving as a firefighter (Chechens were usually kept away from the combat units). For the next four years, he worked at the Aksaiisky state farm in the Volgograd region of southern Russia before moving to Moscow.

He reportedly attempted to enroll in the law school of the Moscow State University but failed, and instead entered the Moscow Engineering Institute of Land Management in 1987. However, he was expelled for poor grades in 1988. He subsequently worked as a computer salesman in Moscow, in partnership with a local Chechen businessman, Supyan Taramov. Ironically, the two men ended up on opposite sides in the Chechen wars, during which Taramov sponsored a pro-Russian Chechen militia (Sobaka magazine's dossier on Basayev reported that Taramov apparently equipped or "outfitted" this group of pro-Russian Chechens; they were also known as "Shamil Hunters"). In later interviews, Taramov would claim he hired Basayev as a favor for a family friend, and that the latter was an ineffectual worker who would spend whole nights playing video games, sleep during the day, and had an obsession with Che Guevara.

[edit] Basayev's early militant activities

When some hardline members of Soviet government attempted to stage a coup d'état in August 1991, Basayev allegedly joined supporters of Russian President Boris Yeltsin on the barricades around the Russian White House in central Moscow, armed with hand grenades.[7]

A few months later, in November 1991, the Chechen nationalist leader Dzhokhar Dudayev unilaterally declared independence from the newly-formed Russian Federation. In response, Yeltsin announced a state of emergency and dispatched troops to the border of Chechnya. It was then that Basayev began his long and notorious career as an insurgent — seeking to draw international attention to the crisis. Basayev, Lom-Ali Chachayev, and the group's leader, Said-Ali Satuyev, a former airline pilot suffering from schizophrenia[citation needed], hijacked an Aeroflot Tu-154 plane, en route from Mineralnye Vody in Russia to Ankara on November 9, 1991, and threatened to blow up the aircraft unless the state of emergency was lifted. The hijacking was resolved peacefully in Turkey, with the plane and passengers being allowed to return safely and the hijackers given safe passage back to Chechnya.

[edit] Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

The following year, 1992, Basayev traveled to Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia, to assist the local separatist movement against the Georgian government's attempts to regain control of the region -- a conflict in which, ultimately, a minority of 93,000 Abkhaz were successful in ethnically purging a majority of Georgians (numbering some 250,000) from the region. Basayev became the commander-in-chief of the forces of the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus (a volunteer unit of pan-Caucasian nationalists, composed mainly of Chechens and Cossacks. Their involvement was crucial in the Abkhazian war and in October 1993 the Georgian government suffered a decisive military defeat, after which the entire ethnic Georgian population of the region was driven out by ethnic cleansing.

It was rumored that the volunteers were trained and supplied by some part of the Russian army GRU military intelligence service, although no evidence to support these allegations was ever found. In any case, Russia did not provide any resistance to the volunteers, which would later prove a mistake, as Basayev's volunteer unit would go on to form the core of his experienced and battle-hardened Abkhaz Battalion in the First Chechen War. It was during that time that he developed his now trademark affinity for a Kalashnikov assault rifles (he was said to be a sharpshooter), and he made the note of posing with his firearms beside him in videos and interviews.

[edit] After Abkhazia

Main article: Nagorno-Karabakh War

Few authoritative accounts of Basayev's life after Abkhazia exist. According to some sources, Basayev moved on to Azerbaijan, where he aided Azerbaijani forces in their unsuccessful war against Karabakhi-Armenian fighters in the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. He was said to having led a battalion-strength Chechen contingent. According to Azeri Colonel Azer Rustamov, in 1992, "hundreds of Chechen volunteers rendered us invaluable help in these battles led by Shamil Basayev and Salman Raduyev". Basayev was said to be one of the last fighters to leave Shusha (see Capture of Shusha). Basayev later said during his career, he and his battalion had only lost once, and that defeat came in Karabakh in fighting against the "Dashnak battalion". He later said he pulled his mujahideen out of the conflict when the war seemed to be more for nationalism than for jihad. During the conflict, Basayev was first introduced to the pan-Islamic revolutionary Amir Ibn Khattab.[8]

Other sources claim that after Abkhazia, Basayev moved to Chechnya and became a successful entrepreneur in the Chechen mafia, organizing train-car theft and drug dealing networks. Pro-Chechen sources claim that such allegations about Basayev's criminal activity were disseminated by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) and were untrue. According to Basayev himself, millions of dollars were donated to him by unnamed foreign businessmen from the Chechen diaspora.[9]

[edit] Basayev's role in the First Chechen War


The First Chechen War began when Russian forces invaded Chechnya on December 11, 1994, to depose the government of Dzhokhar Dudayev. With the outbreak of war, Dudayev made Basayev one of the front-line commanders. Basayev took an active role in the resistance, successfully commanding his "Abkhaz Battalion." The unit inflicted major losses on Russian forces in the Battle of Grozny, Chechnya's capital, which lasted from December 1994 to February 1995. Basayev's men were among the last rebels to abandon the city.


After capturing Grozny, the momentum changed in favor of the Russian forces, and by April Chechen forces had been pushed into the mountains with most of their equipment destroyed. Basayev's "Abkhaz Battalion" suffered many casualties, particularly during battles around Vedeno in May and their ranks sank to as low as 200 men, critically low on supplies.

At this time, Basayev also suffered a personal tragedy. On June 3, 1995, during a Russian air raid on Basayev's hometown of Dyshne-Vedeno, two bombs landed on the home of Basayev's uncle, and six children, four women, and the uncle were killed. Basayev's wife and child were among the dead, as was his sister Zinaida. Twelve members of Basayev's family were injured in the attack.[10] One of his brothers was also killed in fighting near Vedeno.

In an attempt to force a stop to the Russian advance, some Chechen forces resorted to a series of attacks directed against civilian targets outside the area that they claimed. Basayev led the most famous such attack, the Budyonnovsk hospital hostage crisis in June 14, 1995, less than two weeks after he lost his family in the air raids. Shamil's large band seized the Budyonnovsk hospital in southern Russia and the 1,600 people inside for a period of several days. At least 129 civilians died and 415 were wounded during the crisis as the Russian special forces repeatedly attempted to free the hostages by force. Although Basayev failed in his principal demand for the removal of Russian forces from Chechnya, he did successfully negotiate a stop to the Russian advance and an initiation of peace talks with the Russian government, saving the Chechen resistance by giving them time to regroup and recover. Basayev and his fighters then returned back to Chechnya under cover of the human shields.

The media coverage surrounding the hostage-taking and his safe retreat propelled the then mostly unknown Basayev into the international spotlight, and made him Chechnya's most famed national hero overnight. As a result of the raid, military actions on the territory of the Chechen republic largely stopped for several months.


By 1996 Basayev had been promoted to the rank of General and Commander of the Chechen Armed Forces. In July 1996 he was implicated in the death of the rogue Chechen warlord Ruslan Labazanov.[citation needed]

In August 1996, he led a successful operation to retake the Chechen capital Grozny, defeating the Russian garrison of the city.[11] Yeltsin's government finally moved for peace, bringing in former Soviet-Afghan War General Aleksandr Lebed as a negotiator. A peace agreement was concluded between the Chechens and Russians, under which the Chechens acquired de facto independence from Russia.

[edit] Interwar period

Basayev stepped down from his military position in December 1996 to run for president in Chechnya's second (and the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria's first and only ever internationally-monitored) presidential elections. Basayev came in second place to Aslan Maskhadov, obtaining 23.5% of the votes. Allegedly Basayev found the defeat very painful.

In early 1997 he was appointed vice-Prime Minister of Chechnya by Maskhadov. In January 1998 he became the acting head of the Chechen government for a six month term, after which he resigned. Basayev's appointment was symbolic because it took place on the eve of the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of his renowned namesake. Basayev subsequently reduced the government's administrative departments and abolished several ministries. However, the collection of taxes and the Chechen National Bank's reserves shrunk, and theft of petroleum products increased seriously.

Maskhadov worked with Basayev until 1998, when Basayev established a network of military officers, who soon became rival warlords. As Chechnya collapsed into chaos, Basayev's reputation began to plummet as he and others were accused of corruption and involvement in kidnapping; his alliance with Arab jihadi Ibn al-Khattab also alienated many of the Chechens. By early 1998 Basayev emerged as the main political opponent of the Chechen president, who in his opinion was "pushing the republic back to the Russian Federation." On March 31, 1998, Basayev called for the termination of talks with Russia; on July 7, 1998, he sent a letter of resignation from the post of the Chechen Prime Minister.

During these years he wrote Book of a Mujahiddeen, an Islamic guerilla manual.[12]

[edit] Dagestan War and the 1999 bombings

In December 1997, after Movladi Udugov's Islamic Nation party had called for Chechnya to annex territories in neighbouring Dagestan, Basayev promised to "liberate" neighbouring Dagestan from its status as "a Russian colony".[13]

In August 1999, Basayev and Khattab led a 1,400-strong army of Islamist fighters in unsuccessful attempt to aid Dagestani Wahhabists to take over the neighboring Republic of Dagestan and establish a new Chechen-Dagestan Islamic republic. By the end of the month, Russian forces had managed to repel the invasion, but admitted suffering more than 1,200 casualties.

It was alleged that Alexander Voloshin, a key figure in the Yeltsin administration, paid Basayev to stage the Dagestan incursion,[14][15] and that Basayev was working for the Russian GRU at the time.[16][17][18]

In early September, a series of bombings of Russian apartment blocks took place, killing 293 people. The attacks were blamed on terrorists with Chechen links, although this attribution remains controversial. Robert Young Pelton, who was with the rebels in Grozny during the siege, interviewed a captured GRU agent named Aleksey Galkin. Galkin claimed that the government had sponsored the destruction of the apartments (he said that the bombing in Buynaksk was organized by GRU detachments under the general command of Valentin Korabelnikov).[19] After escaping from his captors, Galkin retracted the story and claimed to have been tortured.[citation needed]

Although Basayev and Khattab denied responsibility, the Russian government blamed the Chechen government for allowing Basayev to use Chechnya as a base. Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov denied any involvement in the attacks, and offered a crackdown on the renegade warlods, which Russia refused.

The new Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, famously promised a harsh crackdown on "Chechen terrorists": "We'll get them anywhere. If we find terrorists in the shithouse, then we'll waste them in the shithouse. That's all there is to it." By the end of September the Second Chechen War was underway.

[edit] Second Chechen War


Basayev stayed in Grozny for the duration of the siege of the city. His threats of "kamikaze" attacks in Russia were widely dismissed as a bluff.

Basayev wounded on a stretcher during the retreat from the Battle of Grozny, January 2000. Standing over him is Khattab.
Basayev wounded on a stretcher during the retreat from the Battle of Grozny, January 2000. Standing over him is Khattab.

During the rebel withdrawal from Grozny in January 2000 Basayev lost a foot after stepping on a land mine while leading his men through a minefield. The operation to amputate his foot and part of his leg was videotaped by Adam Tepsurgayev and later televised by Russia's NTV network and Reuters, showing his foot being removed by Khassan Baiev[20] using a local anaesthetic while Basayev watched impassively.

Despite this injury, Basayev eluded Russian capture together with other rebels by hiding in forests and mountains. He welcomed assistance from foreign fighters from Afghanistan and other Islamic countries, encouraging them to join the Chechen cause. He also personally executed nine Russian OMON prisoners on April 4, 2000; the men were shot because the Russians had refused to swap them for Yuri Budanov, an arrested army officer accused of raping and killing an 18-year-old Chechen woman.[21]

On August 27, Basayev challenged Putin, now President of Russia, to a personal duel, saying "The choice of weapon we leave to you. I am not the best sportsman and you are not invalid. So do agree. It will be more useful and more economical to both our peoples, and for the rest of mankind." There was no official response from Putin.

In December, Basayev recently married his third wife. Among his wedding presents were reportedly three Russian POWs.[22]


On June 2, 2001, it was reported General Gennady Troshev, then-commander-in-chief of Russian forces in Chechnya, had offered a bounty of one million dollars to anyone who would bring him the head of Basayev.

In August, Basayev commanded a large-scale raid on the Vedensky District. A deputy commander of Russian forces in Chechnya claimed Basayev was wounded in a firefight.[23]

2002 Grozny truck bombing of the republican government complex
2002 Grozny truck bombing of the republican government complex

In January 2002, Basayev's father, Salman, was reputedly killed by Russian forces.[24] This has not been independently confirmed. Shamil's younger brother, Shirvani, was reported dead by the Russians in 2000, but is, according to numerous accounts, actually living in exile in Turkey where he is involved in coordination of the activities of the diaspora.[citation needed]

In May, the Russian side declared Basayev "dead".[25] The Russian military has also made several claims about Basayev's alleged death in the past.

Around November 2, 2002, Basayev claimed on a rebel website that he was responsible for the Moscow theatre siege (although the siege was led by Movsar Barayev) in which 50 Chechen rebels held about 800 people hostage; Russian forces later stormed the building using gas, killing the rebels and more than 100 hostages. Basayev also tendered his resignation from all posts in Maskhadov's government apart from the reconnaissance and sabotage battalion. He defended the operation but asked Maskhadov for forgiveness for not informing him of it.[citation needed]

On December 27, 2002, Chechen suicide bombers rammed vehicles into the republic's government headquarters in Grozny, bringing down the four-story building and killing about 80 people. Basayev claimed responsibility, published the video of the attack, and said he personally triggered the bombs by remote control.[26]


On May 12, 2003, suicide bombers rammed a truck loaded with explosives into a Russian government compound in Znamenskoye, northern Chechnya, killing 59 people. Two days later a woman got within six feet of Akhmad Kadyrov, the head of the Moscow-appointed Chechen administration, and blew herself up killing herself and 14 people; Kadyrov was unhurt. Basayev claimed responsibility for both attacks; Maskhadov denounced them.

From June until August of 2003 Basayev lived in the town of Baksan in nearby Kabardino-Balkaria. Eventually, a skirmish took place between the rebels and policemen from Baksan, who came to check what turned out to be Basayev's safehouse. Basayev escaped, killing a local police official.

On August 8, 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell designated Shamil Basayev a threat to U.S. security and citizens.

In late 2003, Basayev claimed responsibility for terrorist bombings in both Moscow and Yessentuki in Stavropol Krai. He said both attacks were carried out by the group operating under his command.[27]


On May 9, 2004, the pro-Russian Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov was killed in Grozny in a bomb attack for which Basayev later claimed responsibility. That explosion killed at least six people and wounded nearly 60, including the top Russian military commander in Chechnya, who lost his leg; Basayev called it a "small but important victory".

Basayev was accused of commanding the June 21 raid on Nazran in the Russian republic of Ingushetia. In fact, he was shown in a video made of the raid, in which he led a large group of militants. Around 90 people died in this attack, mostly local servicemen and officials of the Russian security forces including the republic's acting Interior Minister. The Ministry building was burned down.

In September 2004 Basayev claimed responsibility for the Beslan school siege in which over 350 people, most of them children, were killed and hundreds more injured.[28] The Russian government put up a bounty of 300m rubles ($10m) for information leading to his capture.[29] Basayev himself did not participate in the seizure of the school, but claimed to have organized and financed the attack, boasting that the whole operation cost only 8,000 euros. On September 17, 2004, Basayev issued a statement claiming responsibility for the school siege, saying his Riyadus-Salihiin "Martyr Battalion" had carried out this and other attacks. In his message, Basayev described the Beslan massacre as a "terrible tragedy" and blamed it on Russian President Vladimir Putin.[30][31]

Basayev also claimed responsibility for the attacks against civilians during the previous week, in which a metro station in Moscow was bombed (killing 10 people), and two airliners were blown up by suicide bombers (killing 89 people).[28] Basayev dubbed these attacks "Operation Boomerang". He also said that during the Beslan crisis he offered Putin "independence in exchange for security".[citation needed]

Main article: 2005 Nalchik raid

On February 3, 2005, UK's Channel 4 announced that it would air Basayev's interview. In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the broadcast could aid terrorists in achieving their goals and demanded that the Her Majesty's Government call off the broadcast. The British Foreign Office replied that it could not intervene in the affairs of a private TV channel and the interview was aired as scheduled.[32] The same day, Russian media reported that Shamil Basayev had been killed;[33] it was the sixth such report about Basayev's demise since 1999.[33]

In May 2005, Basayev reportedly claimed responsibility for the power outage in Moscow.[34] The BBC reported that the claim for responsibility was made on a web site connected to Basayev, but conflicted with official reports that sabotage was not involved.

Even though Basayev had a $10 million bounty on his head, he gave an interview to Russian journalist Andrei Babitsky in which he described himself as "a bad guy, a bandit, a terrorist ... but what would you call them?", referring to his enemies. Basayev stated each Russian had to feel war's impact before the Chechen war would stop. Basayev asked "Officially, over 40,000 of our children have been killed and tens of thousands mutilated. Is anyone saying anything about that? ... responsibility is with the whole Russian nation, which through its silent approval gives a 'yes'."[35] This interview was broadcast on U.S. television network ABC's Nightline program, to the protest of the Russian government; on August 2, 2005, Moscow banned journalists of the ABC network from working in Russia.[36]

On August 23, 2005, Basayev rejoined the Chechen separatist government, taking the post of first deputy chairman.[37] Later this year Basayev claimed responsibility for a raid on Nalchik, the capital of the Russian republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.[38] The raid occurred on October 13, 2005; Basayev said that he and his "main units" were only in the city for two hours and then left. There were reports that he had died during the raid, but this was contradicted when the separatist website, Kavkaz Center, posted a letter from him.[38]


In March 2006, Prime Minister of Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, claimed that upwards of 3,000 police officers were hunting for Basayev in the southern mountains.[39] On June 15, 2006, Basayev repeated his claim of responsibility for the bombing that killed Akhmad Kadyrov, saying he had paid $50,000 to those who carried out the assassination. He also said he had put a $25,000 bounty on the head of Ramzan, mocking the young Kadyrov in offering the smaller bounty.

On June 27, 2006, Shamil Basayev was made Ichkeria's Vice-President. On July 10, 2006, in his last statement at 1.06 pm Moscow time, Kavkaz Center quoted him as thanking the Mujahideen Shura Council for executing the three captured Russian diplomats in Iraq and calling it "a worthy answer to the murder by Russian terrorists from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Chechen diplomat, ex-president of CRI, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev".

[edit] Death

On July 10, 2006, Shamil Basayev was killed in the village of Ekazhevo, in Ingushetia, a republic bordering Chechnya.[40] According to Chechen sources Basayev was riding in one of the cars escorting a KamAZ truck filled with explosives in preparation for an attack when the truck, hitting a pothole, exploded, killing Basayev and three other rebels. Russian officials state that this explosion was the result of the planned special operation.

On December 29, 2006, forensic experts positively identified Basayev's remains.[41] On October 6, 2007, Basayev was promoted to the rank of Generalissimo post mortem by the Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov.[42]


According to the official version of Basayev's death, a detonator with a remote control hidden in one of the explosives was detonated by FSB agents, when they had spotted Basayev's car near the truck through UAV video surveillance. A Russian "mole" in Basayev's force reportedly planted the explosives and was reportedly paid £250,000 for his part in the assassination.[citation needed] Interfax, quoting Ingush Deputy Prime Minister Bashir Aushev, reported that the explosion was a result of a truck bomb detonated next to the convoy by Russian agents.[43] In 2007, however, Moscow prosecutor's office wrote Basayev's death was caused by accidental "detonation of an explosive device while transporting it in an unidentified automobile".

According to the Russian newspaper Kommersant[44] an autopsy of Shamil Basayev proved that he was killed by an improvised explosive device stuffed with barbed wire ("The medical assessors discovered some 15 similar pieces of wire rod, 10-30 millimeters long and 3-4 millimeters in diameter, in the body.") such bombs are signature products of the Dagestan Islamic extremist group Shariat. The newspaper speculated that the FSB would never use a primitive hand-made bomb when it has advanced high-tech weapons at its disposal; instead the newspaper suspects that Rappani Khalilov (aka Rabbani), a rival separatist leader and a former subordinate of Basayev, was responsible for the attack.

According to Russian Newsweek edition,[45] Basayev's death was a result of an FSB operation, whose primary aim was to prevent a planned terrorist attack in the days before the G8 summit in St Petersburg. Citing unnamed sources within FSB, the magazine claimed that although the explosion was planned and executed by FSB agents, they were not aware that Basayev himself was transporting the explosives.

Separatist Chechen sources, however, continued to deny he was assassinated and claimed the truck exploded accidentally.[46] On Channel 4 News interview, Akhmed Zakayev, the exiled separatist foreign minister, also denied Basayev was assassinated by Russian agents.

[edit] Personal life

Basayev had four wives, a Chechen woman who was killed in the 1990’s, an Abkhaz woman he met while fighting as a mercenary leader against Georgia and a Cossack he was said to have married on Valentine’s Day, 2005.[47] A fourth secret wife, Elina Ersenoyeva, was apparently forced to marry Basayev, and subsequently hid the identity of her husband from her friends and family.[47] Following revelations about the marriage, Elina was abducted and killed, alledgedly by the Kadyrovtsy (pro-Kremlin Chechen forces).[47]

[edit] Quotes

I was a believer in God and that kept me from being a communist.[48]
Everyone in my family, through seven generations, fought the Russians. I consider it an honor to fight
because I must continue what my fathers and ancestors began. [49]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Jonathan Steele. "Shamil Basayev -Chechen politician seeking independence through terrorism", Obituary, Guardian Unlimited, July 11, 2006. ""one-time guerrilla commander who turned into a mastermind of spectacular and brutal terrorist actions ... served for several months as prime minister"" 
  2. ^ Russia's tactics make Chechen war spread across Caucasus
  3. ^ Russia: RFE/RL Interviews Chechen Field Commander Umarov
  4. ^ No Terrorist Acts in Russia Since Beslan: Whom to Thank?
  5. ^ Troshev, Gennadiy (2001). Moya Voyna. Chechenskiy Dnevnik Okopnogo Generala (Моя война. Чеченский дневник окопного генерала). Vagrius (Вагриус). ISBN 5-264-00657-1. 
  6. ^ Chechen separatist who battled hard for his country, but shocked the world with bloody terrorist attacks
  7. ^ The Wolves of Islam: Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terror by Paul J. Murphy, Brassey's Inc. Page 9
  8. ^ "Terror in Karabakh: Chechen Warlord Shamil Basayev's Tenure in Azerbaijan", The Armenian Weekly On-Line: AWOL. 
  9. ^ Chechnya premier's alleged millions
  10. ^ The Wolves of Islam: Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terror by Paul J. Murphy, Brassey's Inc. Page 20
  11. ^ The day I met the terrorist mastermind, September 4, 2004
  12. ^ BOOK OF A MUJAHIDDEEN by Abdallah Shamil Abu Idris (Shamil Basaev)
  13. ^ [ Chechnya repeats territorial claims on Dagestan]
  14. ^ The Second Russo-Chechen War Two Years On
  15. ^ The Operation "Successor" (in Russian)
  16. ^ Western leaders betray Aslan Maskhadov
  17. ^ Chechen Parliamentary Speaker: Basayev was G.R.U. Officer, The Jamestown Foundation
  18. ^ Analysis: Has Chechnya's Strongman Signed His Own Death Warrant?
  19. ^ [ Operation "Successor" (in Russian)]
  20. ^ Khassan Baiev, Ruth Daniloff. The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire. Walker & Company. 2004. ISBN 0-802-71404-8. (Khassan Baiev is a surgeon who amputated leg of Shamil Basayev after his injury on a mine field and operated on Salman Raduev and Arbi Barayev himself. However, Barayev promised to kill Baiev because he always also helped wounded Russian soldiers if necessary).
  21. ^ Russian Colonel in Murder Trial
  22. ^ Chechen field commander marries third wife, gets Russian POWs as wedding gift, BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Dec 14, 2000
  23. ^ Chechnya: Rebel Said To Be Wounded
  24. ^ Shamil Basayev's father was killed in Chechnya
  25. ^ Chechen Declared Dead, May 1, 2002
  26. ^ Shamil Basayev
  27. ^ Unknown rebel group claims Moscow metro blast, March 2, 2004
  28. ^ a b "Chechen warlord behind Russian school siege", ABC News Online, September 17, 2004. 
  29. ^ "Russian-Chechen War Turns into Bounty Race", Moscow News, September 10, 2004. 
  30. ^ Putin: Western governments soft on terror. American Foreign Policy Council (September 17, 2004).
  31. ^ "Chechen "claims Beslan attack"",, September 17, 2004. 
  32. ^ "Another Beslan?", Channel 4, February 3, 2005. 
  33. ^ a b "Basaev Didn't Save Face", Kommersant, July 11, 2006. 
  34. ^ "Basayev claims Moscow power cut", BBC News, May 27, 2005. 
  35. ^ "Chechen Guerilla Leader Calls Russians 'Terrorists' / Mastermind of Beslan School Massacre Vows to Fight for Chechen Freedom", ABC News, July 29, 2005. 
  36. ^ "Russia: Moscow Says It Will Punish U.S. TV Network Over Basaev Interview", Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, August 3, 2005. 
  37. ^ Time to get tough on Chechen government-in-exile, September 2, 2005
  38. ^ a b "Shamil Basayev: 'Nalchik attacked by 217 Mujahideen'", Kavkaz Center, October 17, 2005. 
  39. ^ "Thousands of Police Hunt for Basayev in Mountains", The Moscow, March 13, 2006. 
  40. ^ "Shamil was killed", Kavkaz Center, July 10, 2006. 
  41. ^ "Experts Positively Identify Basayev", Moscow News, December 29, 2006. 
  42. ^ Clarity in Chechen resistance, SIA CHECHENPRESS, December 31, 2007
  43. ^ "Mastermind of Russian school siege killed",, July 10, 2006. 
  44. ^ "Shamil Basaev Killed by Signature Bomb", Kommersant, July 13, 2006. 
  45. ^ "Ликвидация с вариациями (in Russian)", Russian Newsweek, July 23, 2006. 
  46. ^ Kavkaz Center claims that Basayev's death was an accident
  47. ^ a b c C. J. Chivers. "Missing Chechen Was Secret Bride of Terror Leader", The New York Times, 2008-08-27. 
  48. ^ Combat Films and Research, Immortal Fortress, S. Basayev, 1999.
  49. ^ Combat Films and Research, Immortal Fortress, S. Basayev, 1999.

[edit] External links