Shade garden

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Shade gardens are gardens planted and grown in areas with little or no direct sunlight during the day, either under trees or on the shady sides of buildings. Shade gardening presents certain challenges, in part because only certain plants are able to grow in shady conditions. Very few edible plants grow well in shady conditions, so shade gardens are usually ornamental gardens.

Aside from the lack of light, shade gardens under large trees also tend to have very dry soils, because the trees use much of the available water.

Designing a shade garden doesn't have to be boring. Plant colors may not be as bold as in a sunny location, but gardeners can create interest by selecting plants with varying form, texture, height and color. A good key to remember is to plant "cool" colors in the shade- purples and blues will be much bolder and striking than "warm" colors such as reds and oranges, which are more dramatically placed in sunny locations.