
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

da Denne bruger har dansk som modersmål.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
no-1 Denne brukeren kan litt norsk.
sv-1 Denna användare har grundläggande kunskaper i svenska.
Search user languages

Denna brukaren föler seg mye lang

This user comes from Denmark.

This user is of Swedish Ancestry.

1337-1 Th1s us3r is 4bl3 t0 c0ntribut3 with 4 b4si< l3v3l of 1337.

LB Britain! Britain! Britain!

This user collects license plates. PL8S

ain’t This user considers ain’t standard English usage.

. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.

its & it’s This user understands the difference between its and it’s. So should you.

“…” This user favours typographic quotation marks over typewriter style.

ANAL 4 This user advocates good grammar usage.

This user supports the English English language.

I This user is a fan of Improvisational comedy.

S This user is a fan of Surreal comedy.

БОРАТ This user is a fan of Borat.

The user is a SUPER FAN of Mr.Bean

G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.

This user contributes while using Winamp.

Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

This user thinks an explorer can't be better than a fox!

This user uses Windows XP. This user writes with the suite.

This user contributes using a laptop.

This user contributes with a computer based on the Intel Core 2 Duo microprocessor.

ADSL 2+ This user contributes using an
ADSL 2+ connection.

\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}{1 \over i^2} This user is an advanced mathematician.

Image:Anti-iPod.png This user does not like iPods.

This user is interested in motor racing.

This user is an advanced skiier or snowboarder.

This user supports Formula One.

This user is a V8 Supercars fan

This user is interested in politics.

This user supports the United Nations.

This user is a capitalist.

Template:Economic Liberal

This user supports the use of nuclear power.

This user supports the
European Union

This user wants Denmark
to adopt the euro.

This user is interested in flags and emblems.

This user collects license plates. PL8S

This user is interested in maps and mapmaking.

This user is a roadfan.

This user is a roadgeek.

This user does not smoke.

This user has a television set.

This user's television receives PAL/PAL-variant transmissions, or lives in a region where they are broadcast.

This user is The Stig.