Sex worker rights

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Bronze statue Belle in Amsterdam's red-light district De Wallen, in front of the Oude Kerk. It was unveiled in March 2007 with the inscription "Respect sex workers all over the world."
Bronze statue Belle in Amsterdam's red-light district De Wallen, in front of the Oude Kerk. It was unveiled in March 2007 with the inscription "Respect sex workers all over the world."

The term sex worker rights encompasses a variety of aims being pursued globally by individuals and organizations that specifically involve the human and labor rights of sex workers.

The goals of these movements are extremely diverse, but generally aim to destigmatize sex work and ensure fair treatment before legal and cultural forces on a local and international level for all persons employed in the Sex industry.


[edit] Discrimination/Stigmatization

In most countries, even those where sex work is legal, sex workers of all kinds are stigmatized and marginalized, which can prevent them from seeking legal redress for discrimination (e.g., racial discrimination by a strip club owner), non-payment by a client, assault or rape.

[edit] Employment Issues

[edit] Prostitution Employment Issues

Depending on regional law, sex workers' activities may be regulated, controlled, tolerated, or prohibited.

For example, prostitution is illegal in many countries, but is legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, Germany, United Kingdom some states in Australia and in the state of Nevada in the United States.

[edit] Legality

The legalization of sex work would mean additional restrictions and requirements placed on sex workers. In the United States, prostitution is only legal in Nevada

[edit] Decriminalization

Many sex workers favor decriminalization over legalization.

[edit] Illegal Prostitution

[edit] Strip Club Employment Issues

[edit] House Fees

[edit] Dominatrix Employment Issues

[edit] Conflation with Prostitution

[edit] Advocacy

Sex worker activists and advocates argue that sex workers should have the same basic human and labour rights as other working people[1].

For example, the Canadian Guild for Erotic Labour calls for the legalization of sex work, the elimination of state regulations that are more repressive than those imposed on other workers and businesses, the right to recognition and protection under labour and employment laws, the right to form and join professional associations or unions, and the right to legally cross borders to work.

Also, the legalization of sex work would allow it to be carried out in better organized circumstances (e.g., legal brothels), where regulations (e.g., requiring condom use and regular health checkups for sex workers) could reduce the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ [Weitzer, Ronald. 1991. "Prostitutes' Rights in the United States," Sociological Quarterly, v. 32, no.1, pages 23-41]

[edit] Further reading

  • Agustin, Laura Maria. "Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry", 2007, Zed Books, ISBN 978-1842778593
  • Kempadoo, Kamala (editor) & Doezema, Jo (editor). "Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance, and Redefinition", 1998, Routledge, ISBN 978-0415918299
  • Leigh, Carol. "Unrepentant Whore: The Collected Works of Scarlot Harlot", 2004, Last Gasp, ISBN 978-0867195842
  • Nagle, Jill. "Whores and Other Feminists", 1997, Routledge, ISBN 978-0415918220
  • Pheterson,Gail. "A Vindication of The Rights of Whores", 1989, Seal Press ISBN 978-0931188732
  • Weitzer, Ronald. 1991. "Prostitutes' Rights in the United States", Sociological Quarterly, v. 32, no.1, pages 23-41.

[edit] External links

[edit] Advocacy

[edit] International

[edit] Regional

[edit] Africa

[edit] Asia

[edit] Australia

[edit] Europe

[edit] North America