Sex (Kath & Kim episode)

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Kath & Kim episode

Kath and Kel slow dancing in the family room
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 1
Written by Gina Riley
Jane Turner
Directed by Ted Emery
Production no. 101
Original airdate May 16, 2002
Season 1 episodes
  1. Sex
  2. Gay
  3. Sport
  4. Fat
  5. Old
  6. Money
  7. Party
  8. The Wedding
List of Kath & Kim episodes

Sex is the pilot episode of the Australian comedy series Kath & Kim. It first premiered on ABC TV on May 16, 2002. This episode was aired again in Australia on Seven Network on October 21, 2007.

[edit] Episode summary

Kath is busy exercising when she is interrupted by a phone call from her boyfriend Kel. During the call, she is interrupted again by Kim arriving at her house, bags in hand. She tells Kath that she has left her husband Brett for good and walks through the house towards her old bedroom before Kath stops her and tells her that it is now her exercise room, causing Kim to lash out her annoyance on a Swiss ball.

Later on in Kath's kitchen, Kath receives a call from Kel confirming the details of their date for later that night while Kim looks through Kath's fridge and cupboards for something to eat. Kath tells Kim that she better lay off fat-laden foods or Brett will leave her for someone better. Kath then snatches the biscuit jar from Kim.

Kath then goes up to her bedroom to get ready for her date with Kel along with her voiceover saying how she admits she is high maintenance but doesn't mind at all. She says that she thinks tonight, Kel is going to propose to her.

Later that afternoon, Kath comes into the kitchen trying to find some medication for her wart on her heel before revealing to Kim the details of her date. Kim then helps Kath choose what ear rings she should wear before the door bell rings and Kath re-enters the kitchen with Kel, introduces him to Kath and heads off to collect her things. Kel attempts to make conversation with Kim with not much success before Kath comes back down, tells Kim that she is likely to be 'late late', collects Kel and heads out the door but not before Kim could tell her that her breath smells in front of Kel and subsequently sprays her mouth with breath freshener and tells her off.

Kim then heads over to the couch in the adjoining family room and watches her wedding video on the television. Her voiceover saying how Brett took her granted and didn't know that her special treatment would stop before admitting to herself that she is a hornbag.

Later that night, Kath and Kel are seen in the kitchen slow dancing when Kel asks Kath that he proposes to take her to paradise, in which he was implying having sex with her right now but in which she thought he was going to propose to her. They both end up having sex on the dining table.

The next morning, Kim questions the state of the dining table with Kath walking in mentioning that she had sex on it last night and explained how she felt about the experience making Kim feel disgusted. Kel then walks in and cuddles Kath causing Kim to leave the room.

Sharon, a friend of Kim's then enters by the outside sliding door into the family room and walks up to Kath questioning Kim's presence and her leaving Brett. Kath then introduces Kel to Sharon. Kel then suggests to Kath they have a shower together with Kath entering the room, again disgusted. Kim then tells Sharon that she has left Brett for good. Kath and Sharon then try to convice Kim that she should be happy with Brett and her assets but Kim says she still wants more. Kel then becomes offended by Kim's bad language and heads out of the room. Sharon then heads over to Kim to tell her to focus on sport instead of men and she will be happier.

Kim gives Kath her laundry and Kath questions if Kim's going into work in which she says she is not. Kim then says that she suspects that Brett is seeing other women with Kim saying that Brett brought her lingerie that wasn't her size when it in fact was.

Later on, Kel is giving Kath a massage in the living room. They then get into a different sexually suggestive position in which Kim sees through the window in disgust which causes her to tell Sharon she is sick of them being close together in front of her and how she thinks Brett is having an affair. Sharon suggests stalking him but this leads to her accepting to stalk Brett after Kim asks her to.