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[edit] Sethiroth66 - About Me

Ninja Day!

Celebrating Ninja Day with Bawls
Left to Right: Seth, Craig, Rich, Adam
Born February 06, 1991
Flag of the United Kingdom Pontefract, England, UK
Occupation Faggot student of epic win

Sethiroth66 is known as Seth Wain in real life. He is currently 17, and is applied to Leeds College of Technology. Initially, he was supposed to be taking National Diploma in Computer Games Development, but too many people signed up for the subject, therefore, he is now doing Software Development for the first year.
Attends with: Surplu and Slabhammer

This user wants a picotux112 112

Spends most of his time on IRC, MSN, GMail and DeviantArt
main irc servers are :: #boinc