Settlement movement (Israel)

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Settlement movement (Hebrew: תנועת מיישבות‎) is a term used in Israel to describe organisations for kibbutzim, moshavim and communal settlements. It is not related to the term Israeli settlement, which denotes settlements outside of the Green Line.

Most kibbutzim are members of either the Kibbutz Movement or the Religious Kibbutz Movement, whilst most moshavim and communal settlements are divided between the Moshavim Movement, Mishki Herut Beitar, the Agricultural Union and HaOved HaTzioni.

In the past there were several other organisations; the Kibbutz Movement was formed by a merger of the United Kibbutz Movement and Kibbutz Artzi in 1999, the former also formed by a merger of HaKibbutz HaMeuhad and Ihud HaKvutzot veHaKibbutzim in 1981. Most of the former organisations had political affiliations; HaKibbutz HaMeuhad was aligned with Labour Unity and Ihud HaKvutzot veHaKibbutzim with Mapai and Labour.