Sergio Apostol

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[edit] Early life

Sergio Antonio Figueroa Apostol was born on January 17, 1935 in Catbalogan City, Samar. Apostol, a Roman Catholic, graduated from the Ateneo Law School and was a member of the prestigious Ateneo Law Journal. He passed the Philippine Bar exams in 1958, finishing 7th. He became a City Fiscal, Regional Trial Court Judge, and Philippine Congressman.[1] In 2008, Sergio Apostol was Chief Presidential Legal Counsel for Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

[edit] Racial slur

In February 2008, while reacting to the Senate testimony of Rodolfo "Jun" Lozada, Apostol said "Drama-drama lang yan, crying boy [It's mere playacting from a crying boy]," He added: "Bagay sa'yo i-deport, magulo ka dito. (You should be deported, you are being a problem)," referring to the practice of deporting illegal Chinese immigrants, though Lozada was a natural-born Filipino (of Chinese ancestry). The Manila Times reported how "Apostol said [Lozada] was a Chinese who should be deported to China...Lozada said his father came to the Philippines to escape poverty from his town in Fujian province in southern China."

Apostol apologized after being criticized by the Chinese community (in particular, Teresita Ang-See of KAISA and Fernando Gan of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce), government officials, and media. Apostol said, "This refers to my statement uttered in an emotional outburst in reaction to Mr. Jun Lozada's implication of the First Gentleman to an alleged crime based on what is, at best, hearsay evidence. Be that as it may, I sincerely apologize to our hardworking and law- abiding Filipino Chinese who may have been offended by my unintended slur." [1][2][3]

[edit] Senator Mar Roxas's comments

From Philippine Senate's website: Senator Mar Roxas had said: "[Apostol] should also offer an apology to the Chinese people, who have suffered an insult despite their deep friendship with the Filipino people," said Roxas, president of the Liberal Party."

"We find it totally ironic that the President's lawyer has made a racist slur against the very nation from whom this government has sought to borrow millions of dollars that have been purloined by rotten officials," Roxas said, referring to the multi million-dollar loan that the Philippine government had sought to obtain from China to finance the controversial national broadband network (NBN) project.

Roxas said Apostol's comment was uncalled for and showed great disrespect for Filipinos with Chinese by blood, including National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal. Roxas further added: "Resorting to insults will not make Lozada's testimony less credible. The more they destroy the character of Lozada, the more they look desperate. Let's stick to the being straightforward and honest before the people," said Roxas .[3][4]

[edit] References

[edit] External Links