Sequence dance

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Sequence dancing is a form of dance in which a predetermined pattern of movements is followed. Sequence dancing has its origins in London in the early 1900s. Much of ballroom dancing is a form of sequence dancing.

Modern sequence dancing has a repeat of the steps at every sixteenth bar, typically going on for five or six sequences in all. Specially performed sequence dance music in strict tempo is needed, although some 'ordinary' music will occasionally suffice. There are several tempo types for sequence dancing, such as quickstep, waltz, foxtrot, blues, saunter, jive, bossa nova, rumba, tango, swing, salsa, cha cha, etc.

Each has an accepted speed of playing so that a typical programme of sequence dancing has a wide variety of activity. A dance sequence may be either 'old time' or 'modern' with the dividing line being somewhere in the early 20th century. New sequences are being devised all the time and the number which have been published as scripts runs into thousands.

Regular competitions are held between dance teachers to decide which newly created sequence dances shall be 'officially' adopted and scripted for wider distribution. Most of these are tried for a short while at various venues and then disappear into the archives. Some, just a few, find great popularity and join the select group of dances which last for several years round the dance halls. Such popular dances are the basis of practically every 'Tea Dance'.

Most people who attend these functions will recognise Saunter Together, Mayfair Quickstep, Catherine Waltz and many others. An alternative to the tea dance is the 'Dance Club'. These are devoted to the teaching and learning of all the approved new sequence dances.

[edit] Sequence dance scripts

These are written in a shorthand form similar to phone texting. The jargon has to be learned before the shorthand can be understood. Ultra keen sequence dancers subscribe to the specialist dance script publishers and obtain the scripts at the same time as the teachers of sequence dances. Essentially they are cribbing the teacher's notes before the lesson. A short example of this dance scripting is as follows:

1. RF Fwd in CBMP (OP) comm to tn R * Side LF * Cls RF to LF to end bkng LOD. S Q Q.
2. LF bk dn LOD *RF Bk, R shldr ldg * Crs LF in front of RF S Q Q.

[edit] Social element

Go to any sequence dance yourself and you will find that most attendees are retired persons who find it a cheap and pleasant social occasion. They like the older tuneful melodies on which the dance music is based, and the modest exercise is good for health.

Practically all sequence dancers have a good sense of humour, and this is shown in the many self parody leaflets which go round the dance halls in the public domain. The following poem is an example

It's the Sunday tea dance, and they'll all be here today,
Aches and pains forgotten, dance the afternoon away.
Foxtrots, quicksteps, waltzes, some are slow but some still nifty,
With memories of how it was way back in 1950.
Norman's in the toilet and he's struggling to pee,
He's got trouble with his prostate, and he'll likely miss his tea.
Eddy's got a new love that he met in Thornton Heath,
She does a lovely tango, but she hasn't any teeth.
His latest fancy footwork nearly broke his partner's neck,
She mistook his outside swivel for a travelling contra check.
Ida's had her hair done and she's ready for the saunter,
She had a vindaloo last night and it's coming back to haunt her.
Florry's mini-skirt's revealing when she's spinning in the jive,
She really shouldn't wear a thong, approaching 85.
They've had their tea and cake and chat and had a little laugh,
And gamely rise with creaking knees to face the second half.
Norman's made it back in time for rumba number one,
His cucaracha's very neat, but he's left his flies undone.
Vera's fallen over in a massive Crimplene heap,
Bert's got indigestion and Mabel's fast asleep.
It's last waltz time and up they get
For Humperdinck's old tune,
And then: 'Goodbye, good luck, take care,
God willing see you soon.'

Note: Humperdinck's old tune refers to 'I Had the Last Waltz With You', a 1960s hit melody.

[edit] External links