Wikipedia talk:Selected anniversaries/March 4

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This is the talk page for making suggestions or discussing improvements to Wikipedia:Selected anniversaries/March 4.

  • Before making a suggestion, please read the selected anniversaries guidelines. This list usually defers to supporting pages when there is disagreement, so it is best to achieve consensus and make any necessary changes there first.

This is terrible. 5 events, 4 of them are USA-centric!!! -- Kaihsu 09:01, 2004 Mar 4 (UTC)

Please feel free to search March 4 for items that have reasonably full articles and the possibility of pictures, and update at will. We try very hard to be non-Amerocentric, but sometimes the material Wikipedia makes available means that's impossible. Your assistance on the selected anniversaries project would be appreciated. jengod 09:07, Mar 4, 2004 (UTC)
I've already done that. Somebody needs to add non-US qualifying items to that page. --mav
No, Mav, honey, I know you have. I'm saying just that. If the pages aren't updated with non-American stuff, we don't have non-American stuff to update with period. It's not part of our gigantic bias for the U.S. :) jengod 19:13, Mar 4, 2004 (UTC)
How about the election in Zimbabwe Rhodesia, making Robert Mugabe the first PM of the soon-to-come-into-existense Republic of Zimbabwe ? I'll put that in later...-- PFHLai 21:37, 2005 Feb 27 (UTC) --(Correction) PFHLai 14:14, 2005 Feb 28 (UTC)

[edit] moved from Talk:Main Page

Forget some urban legend about the US Presidency. This should really be on the main page:

Thanks, Mdiamante (talk) 12:12, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

The switch from Congress of the Confederation to United States Congress appears to be a boring paperwork procedure to me. For United States Constitution, I'd rather save this for Constitution Day (United States) on September 17. That's the day people remember these days. --PFHLai (talk) 17:28, 4 March 2008 (UTC)