Selman Trtovac

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[edit] Life

Born in Zadar, on August 14th 1970. From 1990. till 1993. he has been studying fine arts at the Faculty of Art in Belgrade. In 1993. he moved to Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, in art class of professor Klaus Rinke, where he was declared to be Master of Art in 1997. In 2000. he finished his studies. In the same year he returned to Belgrade. In 2002. he became a member of ULUS (Association of Fine Artists of Serbia). Next year he became a member of International Artists Forum. He lives and works in Belgrade and Düsseldorf.

[edit] Art

Selman Trtovac belongs to the generation of artists who have articulated their artistic language in Belgrade and Düsseldorf during the last decade of 20th century. At the beginning of nineties, he was active in Belgrade Students Cultural Center. At 1993. he moved to Düssseldorf where he continued his artistic path of development in the art class of Klaus Rinke. Education acquired at Belgrade Faculty of Art, where the traditional artistic techniques had been cheriched, proved to be a good background for the further education at the Düsseldorf Art Academy whose programs had been faunded on the modern artistic experience of the sixties and seventies. Working with two famous artists-professors exerted a significant influence on this artist, both on his artistic language and his comprehension the essence of art. Those are Klaus Rinke, as a German conceptual artist, and Jannis Kounellis as the importatnt artist in the frame of Italian art movement Arte Povera. Sublimation of those two influences – academic understanding the fine arts and also the heritage of Moderna, produced original artistic language which expresses simbolic forms that comes from concrete existential expirience. The development of his artistic expression is obvious in the series of his works which have been realized and exibited from 1997. till today.

[edit] Biography

  • 2007. Exhibition “... those who seek for the extremes to understand where the mean is!”, Gallery of the Contemorary Art Smederevo
  • 2006. Exhibition I shall illuminate the dark side of the moon, 150. Birthday of Nikola Tesla, (artistic group Faust-Manifest), Gallery Belgrade public bath, Belgrade
  • 2005 Exhibition and congress of IKG (International Artists Forum), OHNE GRENZEN - WITHOUT BORDERS - PIIRIDETA, Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallin
  • 2004 Exhibition 10 years of Konkordija, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
  • 2004 IKG Congress, Lodz i Nieborow, Poland
  • 2003 Exhibition Re-discovered, History Museum of Yugoslavia, Belgrade
  • 2001 Exhibition Omnibus, Recapitulation, Gallery SKC, Belgrade
  • 1999 Object The Hand of the Murderer - Mano negra, (group exhibition), Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rom
  • 1998 Guest on the Exhibition Jannis Kounellis Class , Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
  • 1997 Exhibition Contemporaneo, Museum Pinacoteca Molaioli di Fabriano, Italy
  • 1997 Exhibition Saldo, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
  • 1991 16 Biennale of young artists, Museum of modern Art, Rijeka

[edit] Bibliography

1. Selman Trtovac : --- što traže ekstremnosti da bi znali gde je sredina!. – Smederevo : Muzej u Smederevu, 2007 (Vršac : Triton). –60 p.: ilustr. ; 24 cm. – ISBN 978-86-80633-32-9

2. Фауст-Манифест = Faust-Manifest / Tatjana Ilić, Milan Blanuša, Selman Trtovac. // Oсветлићу тамну страну месеца / идеја, концепт, избор Марица Радојчић. – Београд : Музеј Николе Тесле, 2007 (Вршац : Тритон). – p. 42-45.

3. Selman Trtovac // Ideja-ne-realizacija = Idea-non-realisation : Gradska galerija Požega, 29. novembar – 27. decembar 2003. / selektori Darka Radosavljević, Ljubiša Simović. – Požega : Narodna biblioteka, 2003 (Kraljevo : Duga). – p. 61.

4. Selman Trtovac // Time codes / V internacionalno bijenale mladih, Vršac 6. jul – 6. septembar 2002 = V International Biennal of Young Artists, Vršac 6. July – 6. September 2002. – Vršac : Centar za savremenu kulturu Konkordija, 2002 (Vršac : Tuli). - p. 154-155.

5. Selman Trtovac // Contemporaneo. – Fabriano : Pinacoteca civica Bruno Molajoli, 1997. – p. 42-47.

6. Trtovac Selman // Salon de printemps '96 du 8 au 24 mars 1996 au Théâtre Municipal à Luxembourg / sous le haut patronage du Fonds culturel national ... [et al.]. – Luxembourg : Théâtre Municipal, 1996. – p. 84-85.

7. Selman Trtovac // Saldo : 23 Jahre Rinke Klasse : Kustmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof Kunstpalast, 12. April bis 13. Juli 1997. / Ausstellung und Katalog Klaus Rinke ... [et al.]. – Düsseldorf : Kunstmuseum, 1997. – p. 318, 331, 347, 409.

8. Void / Selman Trtovac // Gostovanje studenata sa Kunstakademie – Düsseldorf u Salonu muzeja savremene umetnosti u Beogradu, 6. mart do 31. mart 1997. = Studenten der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf zu Gast im Salon des Museums der modernen Künste in Belgrad, 6. März – 31. März 1997. / tekstovi ; Texte Ješa Denegri, Jannis Kounellis. – Beograd : Muzej savremene umetnosti, 1997 (Beograd : Cicero). – p. 22-23.

9. Prostorna pukotina / Selman Trtovac // 16. biennale mladih Rijeka, 27.06-30.09.1991. / odgovorni urednik Berislav Valušek. – Rijeka : Moderna galerija = Museum of Modern Art, 1991. – p. 98.

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