Secular Order of Druids

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The Secular Order of Druids or SODs emerged after the violent clashes between police and public surrounding the Stonehenge Free Festival in June 1984/85. The establishment determined to shut the festival down with an exclusion zone and aggressive policing resulting in the Battle of the Beanfield.

Founder of the SODs, Tim Sebastion created the order using the druid's customary rights to perform ceremonies at Stonehenge, making a humorous but political point that everyone should have a customary right to freedom of worship, to freedom of movement, and to freedom of assembly at Stonehenge as ancient tradition.

Their secular nature is non-religious. The Order are concerned with worldly natural spirituality.

Tim went on to found the Council of British Druid Orders (COBDO). Working with the Secular Order and other Druid Orders he set the Council to be a representative body who could liaise with other organisations such as the National Trust and English Heritage. He was instrumental in the 1992 Petition to the Queen for the establishing of an English National Eisteddfod.

Tim Sebastion was chosen as Chief of the SODs by the members. Up till his death in February 2007 he represented the Secular Order as Arch Druid and Chosen Chief.

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