Secondary education in the Borough of Halton

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Secondary education in the Borough of Halton is provided by eight secondary schools and one further education college, Riverside College. Four of the secondary schools are in Widnes and four are in Runcorn. The college works from three campuses, two in Widnes and one in Runcorn.


[edit] The Bankfield School

The Bankfield School is a mixed non-denominational secondary school in Widnes taking pupils within the ages 11–16 with a pupil roll of 867.[1] Since September 2004 it has been a specialist science college. Its partner is the Catalyst Museum and Science Discovery Centre and 16 industrial companies act as sponsors.[2]

[edit] Fairfield High School

Fairfield High School is a mixed non-denominational secondary school in Widnes taking pupils within the ages 11–16 with a pupil roll of 811.[3] Since September 2004 it has been a specialist arts college located to the north of of the town centre of Widnes, Cheshire, England. A school has been on the site since the 16th century. In the 1960s two separate-sex secondary schools amalgamated and the school has had its present title since 1974. An extensive programme of rebuilding was completed in September 1994. Since September 2005 the school's facilities include a theatre, two music rooms, a media suite, a performing arts studio and several practice rooms in addition to a school hall and two gymnasiums which are also used for workshops and performances.[4] It is planned to close the school by the end of August 2010 and for its pupils to be transferred to Wade Deacon High School.[5]

[edit] The Grange Comprehensive School

The Grange Comprehensive School is a mixed non-denominational secondary school in Runcorn taking pupils within the ages 11–16 with a pupil roll of 1073.[6] In June 2007 plans were announced for the school to close and to merge with The Heath School in 2012.[7] However the Education & Skills Select Committee have raised objections to the proposal[8] and the plan is being reviewed.
It has recently been decided that the school is to stay open and join with the other 4 schools to become G4.[9]

[edit] Halton High School

Halton High School is a mixed non-denominational secondary school in Runcorn taking pupils within the ages 11–16 with a pupil roll of 563.[10] An application has been made for the school to work in conjunction with The Innovation Unit.[11]

[edit] The Heath School

The Heath School
The Heath School
For the school with a similar name in USA see Heath School.

The Heath School is a mixed non-denominational secondary school in Runcorn taking pupils within the ages 11–16 with a pupil roll of 1048.[12] Since September 2002 it has been a specialist technology college. The original school on the site was the Heath Secondary Girls School. When Balfour Road Boys School closed in 1977 the two schools merged to become The Heath School.[13]

In 2006 The Heath School was granted the award of Halton Secondary School of the Year for Sports. The award, which was sponsored by 'Vikings in the community', was granted to the school for continually competing at the top level throughout the area.[14]

[edit] St Chad's Catholic High School

St Chad's Catholic High School is a mixed voluntary aided Roman Catholic secondary school in Runcorn taking pupils within the ages 11–18 with a pupil roll of 906.[15] It is a specialist language college.[16] Phase II of a new building programme costing £7.1 million will start in the summer of 2008. It will consist of a new science block, a new sports hall, the conversion of the current sports hall into an assembly hall, a learning resource centre and a performing arts, drama and music suite.[17] Some areas of the school are available to hire for community sports facilities.[18]

[edit] Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College is a mixed voluntary aided Roman Catholic secondary school in Widnes taking pupils within the ages 11–18 with a pupil roll of 1610. It is a specialist sports college.[19] The school opened in 1952 as Saints Joseph's and More Roman Catholic High School. It was initially a mixed sex secondary modern school but from 1959 education was provided separately for boys and girls. It returned to being a mixed sex school in 1972. It later merged with the neighbouring St Fisher's School to form Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic High School.[20]

[edit] Wade Deacon High School

Wade Deacon High School is a mixed non-denominational secondary school in Widnes taking pupils within the ages 11–16 with a pupil roll of 1123.[21] It is a specialist technology, mathematics and computing college.[22] The school was founded in 1507 as Farnworth Grammar School by Bishop William Smyth. The present main school building was opened in 1931 as Wade Deacon Grammar School. This was named after Sir Henry Wade Deacon, a prominent local industrialist and chairman of the Local Education Committee. The school became fully comprehensive in 1974.[23]

[edit] Riverside College

This is a non-denominational further education college taking pupils from over the age of 16.[24] It works from three campuses; Kingsway and Cronton Campuses are in Widnes and Runcorn Campus is in Runcorn.[25] The college was created from the merger of Halton College and Widnes & Runcorn Sixth Form College in August 2006. It has not yet had a full inspection by Ofsted.[26]

[edit] Performance table

This table shows the percentage of pupils gaining five GCSE A*–C level grades, including and excluding English and Maths in 2007.[27]

School Eligible Pupils Including English and Maths Excluding English and Maths
Wade Deacon High School 220 67 89
The Heath School 202 50 83
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College 296 48 61
St Chad's Catholic High School 150 39 56
Fairfield High School 198 37 45
The Bankfield School 178 33 64
The Grange Comprehensive School 223 27 46
Halton High School 131 24 59
Halton average 41.1 61.9
National average 46.7 62

[edit] Ofsted reports

The key for the inspection grades in the table are: Grade 1 Outstanding: Grade 2 Good: Grade 3 Satisfactory: Grade 4 Inadequate

School Date Number
on Roll
Achievement &
Teaching &
Curriculum Care Leadership &
The Bankfield School 24–25 January 2007 867 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 [1]
Fairfield High School 2–3 March 2006 868 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 [2]
Grange Comprehensive School 5–6 July 2007 1080 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 [3]
Halton High School 5–6 December 2005 556 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 [4]
The Heath School 21 November 2007 1048 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 [5]
St Chad's Catholic High School 21 September 2006 920 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 [6]
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College 6–7 June 2007 1614 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 [7]
Wade Deacon High School 14 March 2007 1128 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 [8]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ The Bankfield School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  2. ^ The Bankfield School. The Bankfield School. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  3. ^ Fairfield High School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  4. ^ Fairfield High School. Fairfield High School. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  5. ^ Short, Adrian (2008-06-05). Strategy launched to wind up school. Runcorn and Widnes Weekly News. Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales. Retrieved on 2008-06-08.
  6. ^ Grange Comprehensive School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  7. ^ Turner, Alex (14 June 2007 ), “Schools shake-up for Runcorn”, Runcorn Weekly News, <> 
  8. ^ Turner, Alex (16 August 2007 ), “MPs' lifeline for school”, Runcorn Weekly News, <> 
  9. ^ Turner, Alex (1 November 2007 ), “Schools’ mixed outlook”, Runcorn and Widnes Weekly News, <> 
  10. ^ Halton High School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  11. ^ Halton High School. The Innovation Unit. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  12. ^ The Heath School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-13.
  13. ^ Prospectus. The Heath School. Retrieved on 2008-02-13.
  14. ^ Heath Wins Sports School of the Year. The Heath Specialist Technology College. Retrieved on 2007-09-29.
  15. ^ St Chad's Catholic High School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  16. ^ St Chad's Catholic High School. St Chad's Catholic High School. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  17. ^ St Chad's School Development : Phase Two. St Chad's Catholic High School. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  18. ^ Community Sports Facilities. St Chad's Catholic High School. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  19. ^ Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  20. ^ The School. Epilogue. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  21. ^ Wade Deacon High School. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  22. ^ Wade Deacon High School. Wade Deacon High School. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  23. ^ School History. Wade Deacon High School. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  24. ^ Riverside College. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  25. ^ Riverside College. Halton Borough Council. Retrieved on 2008-02-12.
  26. ^ Monitoring Visit: Main Findings. Ofsted. Retrieved on 2008-02-14.
  27. ^ Secondary School achievement and attainment tables 2007: LA Halton. Department for Children, Schools and Families. Retrieved on 2008-02-07.

[edit] External links