Second Age Theatre Company

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[edit] Second Age Theatre Company

Second Age Theatre Company exists to promote an awareness and love of classical theatre for all, but especially the young.


Second Age Theatre Company was established in 1989 by Alan Stanford, Ronan Smith, Brian O'Donoghue and Martin Drury as a response to the demand from Second Level schools for a dedicated production company to present curriculum based texts, especially those of Shakespeare. At that time ad hoc productions were occasionally staged but of an uneven quality and at irregular intervals. It was felt by the company founders that something more permanent was required and offering a more complete package to the students. Since then Second Age has offered regular productions of the major texts for study and in a time frame suited to the study programme of the schools.

Second Age focuses on producing Shakespeare and contemporary Irish classics for young audiences with particular emphasis on the plays being studied by Second Level Leaving Certificate students. As well as preforming in Dublin, the company tours throughout Ireland at least once a year.

Since 1989 half a million second level students will have gained their first experience of serious professional theatre and of Shakespeare at a Second Age Production.

In addition, the company has built a considerable following among theatre audiences for its productions and is now a regular feature of the Irish theatre circuit.


[edit] Shakespeare

The principle writer in the Second Age cannon has always been Shakespeare. The company’s primary production in January/February, is always the play set for study in fifth year for senior cycle studies. This tends to work on a four year cycle of Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth and Othello. In addition the company has presented at various times, productions of Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It and The Merchant of Venice. Each time the cycle is re-visited a brand new production is created for that year.

[edit] Other plays

Other plays on the Leaving certificate syllabus are also staged when resources permit and have included, Plough and the Stars, Playboy of the Western World, Philadelphia, Here I Come! and How Many Miles to Babylon.

[edit] Resource information

The Company produces a resource pack and notes for schools on all of its productions. These are provided free of charge to all schools who attend the performance. In addition, post show discussions are offered with members of the cast after all matinee performances and visits are made on an ad hoc basis to schools by the Artistic Director whenever possible.

More information on Second Age Theatre Company is available on the company website listed below.

[edit] Productions

As You Like It : 1989

Othello: 1990

Macbeth: 1990

Playboy of the Western World: 1991

Hamlet: 1991

King Lear: 1992

The Plough and the Stars: 1993

Othello: 1993

The Merchant of Venice: 1994

Macbeth: 1994

Hamlet: 1995

The Field: 1996

King Lear:1996

The Merchant of Venice:1997

Othello: 1997

Romeo and Juiliet:1998

Macbeth: 1998


King Lear:2001

Macbeth: 2002

Romeo and Juilet:2002



King Lear:2005

How Many Miles to Babylon?:2006


How Many Miles to Babylon?:2006


Philadelphia, Here I Come!:2007


[edit] Current Productions

Having toured Othello with Johnny Lee Davenport and Maeve Fitzgerald in spring 2007, Second Age are now preparing to produce the Brian Friel play Philadelphia Here I Come! in Autumn 2007.

[edit] Alumni

Many Irish and international actors such as Barry McGovern, Orla Fitzgerald, and Johnny Lee Davenport have worked with Second Age Theatre Company since its foundation in 1989.

[edit] External links