Sebastiano Guala

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Sebastiano Guala was an Italian church architect active in the years 1640–1680 in the area of Casale Monferrato, then capital of the Gonzaga-ruled state of Montferrat. He was born into a prominent family of Frassinello Monferrato and became a canon of the Collegiata di Santa Maria di Piazza in Casale.[1] It has been thought probable[2] that he belonged to the same family as the Casalese painter Pier Francesco Guala (1698–1757).

[edit] Works

Churches attributed to Guala include:

At Frassinello[3]
The chapel of San Bernardo, of unplastered brick and located in the open countryside.[4]
The chiesa parocchiale dell’Assunta, rebuilt by Guala in 1650/60.
At Casale
San Giuseppe in Via Lanza.[5]
Santo Stefano (1653) in Piazza Santo Stefano.[6]
San Filippo in Via Biblioteca.[7]
Santa Maria sulle Mura.[5]
At Pozzo Sant’Evasio
The small church of Pozzo Sant’Evasio, near Casale, was built in 1666/1670 on the site of the miraculous fountain of Saint Evasio to commemorate a 1640 victory over the Spanish forces which were besieging Casale. The patron was Giovanni Domenico Polatto, president of the senate at Casale.[8]

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ See Cravino (2004). (Santa Maria di Piazza, demolished in the nineteenth century, stood in what is now the eastern part of Piazza Mazzini.)
  2. ^ The kinship is suggested in Liceo Scientifico Palli (n.d.), pointing to the rarity of Guala as a family name in the baptismal records in Casale.
  3. ^ See Associazione Turistica Pro Loco (n.d.) for photographs and short descriptions of the churches at Frassinello.
  4. ^ Cravino (2004) has a photograph of the chapel near the foot of the page.
  5. ^ a b Cravino (2004)
  6. ^ Amelotti 2003, p. 18; Mazza (2002), p. 9).
  7. ^ Amelotti (2003), p. 19); Grignolio (2004), pp. 143–146); Mazza (2002), p. 3).
  8. ^ See Grignolio (2004), pp. 347–8); Comune di Livorno Ferraris (n.d.); and Cattedrale di Casale Monferrato (2006).

[edit] References